MH lighting - position on hood?


So far, lighting is the most confusing thing I've run into :help:
The question is:
is it best to position a MH lamp so that it is lengthwise to the tank or crosswise to the tank? (when looking down from top)
For example:
Position #1, lengthwise:

- - <--- Tank
- ooooo <-- bulb -
- -

Position #2, crosswise:

- o - <--- Tank
- o <-- bulb -
- o -

I read a report where someone measured all areas of the tank with a light meter and determined that the projection of light from a MH bulb was to the sides and that the maximum light entering the tank was with position #2.


Active Member
Well I don't really understand your two examples, but if you are asking whether it should be parallel to the tank or perpendicular. I have been doing some reading and it seems that the light is better spread by putting the light perpendicular to the tank, especially if you are using a spider light reflector.


Both of you - Thanks.
That's basically what I had read and was looking to see if anyone else had some contradictory information.