MH Lighting??


OK I also posted this in the equipment forum
OK i got about $250 for my Metal halide lighting.
I was wondering what is the best MH Lighting for around that money range. I was looking at the MH pendent and liked it and I also saw a HQI Halide/Fluorescent fixture. And then there is retrofits and there is a Low-Profile Reefstar system. Alot to choose from and wondering what you would recommend??
The tank is a 30 gallon and the rock is only about half way up.
I also want corraline algea(any color) to grown in heavy.
I want to keep SPS.LPS,Softies,and clams, so pretty much any coral I can afford I will want to have it
Will be ordering in three days so time is the enemy.
Cant member whoos tank this is but I love it and member the owner saying something about getting MH and the corals went nutz.
What lighting to you have on this tank??


hey if the tank is 18 inches or less go with the reefstar 150w cause that will not be to strong for the softies and lps but is easily enough for the sps..............if it is taller than 18 inch (which its probaly not cause its 30g) get the 250w model.................and for kelvin i would go with 10k if you like a white more natural appearence (how the reef appears the first 20 feet or so) but go with 20k if you like the blue of the deeper reefs.


Well The takn is switched that the light will go on now.
As I was taking my tank down the stair cause I had just moved into the basement It slipped and the bottom cracked
big time.... SO I upgraded to a New 55(Always go BIGGER!!! LOL). Now the lights wil be going on my 55 if that makes a difference. I think it it about 19-20 inches deep.
thx fovr you help so far


hey...well i have 2 175w pendants on my tank and it is doing great..that is the lighting i suggest specially sence you want soft corals and lps...
you can check out my reef pics in this forum and seee if you like the lighting..(it is a 55 gallon too)