MH Mounting


Active Member
Just curious was on a site and checking out how the guy had his MH mounted and curious as to if you loose any light spread or penetration mounting them this way or does it really matter?????? What would the Pros and Cons be???? :thinking:


Active Member
In my experience, the spider reflectors cast a 2' x 2' area of light, with maybe an extra inch or two of light front and back the way the lights in the photo are mounted.
I mounted mine that way over my tank to get the lights spread across as much of the 30" width as possible.


For mine I mounted them the other way. Still dont know how it works though because there is no water in the tank. Heres a pic though, over 1000 watts on a 90 gal. You have probably already seen it but the pics got deleted so heres another.


Active Member
Whoops! When I wrote my post, I thought the reflectors in your pic were mounted parallel rather than perpendicular (how they're mounted in the photo). The info I wrote reflects how they operate for me when mounted OPPOSITE to how they are in the first photo. Sorry for causing any confusion.


Active Member
Thanks Rob!!!!!!! Do you honestly think you would notice any difference though???? Masala4080 what are you running 400w MH's?


Active Member
I don't think there would be much difference either way. The light pretty much gets cast over a square area.


ya, 2 400wMH and 4 65w compacts. 2 - 50/50 and 2 - pure actinic. Somewhere floating on this board there is a picture of where wavlenghts are put out by MH lights. If I can find it Ill post is up.


I cant seem to find that, maybe squidd or someone else will have it and stumble opon this thread. But if you arnt too worried about it I would just do it the way I have it.


Active Member
I actually like the look of the way it's mounted in the pic I posted....I've always mounted them the "traditional" way, just really curious if there is any difference???


Active Member
Just got confirmation that the manufacture of the reflectors suggest mounting them this way, so i guess it depends on what the manufacture suggests and how you really want to do it.....