MH on 20g?


pretend that I'm filthy rich. What would be the absolute best lighting I can do on my 20g long.
If MH what intensity 5500k....10000K?
Please help me get this figured out the tax man s coming with my money. I want to treat my corals good!
I would go with the 10000k mh bulb. then you don't need actinics to supplement the mh. the only thing is, if you already have corals in the tank, acclimate them to the new lighting slowly!!! also, prepare yourself for a diatom, and or an algea bloom for a bit while the tank gets use to the new lighting.


The Kelvin intensity that you are referring to “5500k to 10000k” all depends on what corals you want to keep and a bit of personal preference. The real question you should be asking is what watt bulb will I be running over a tank that size, and again the answer to that question lies in the animals you wish to keep in you tank. I don’t want to start a watts per gallon debate or any other type of lighting flame so this is all I will say. “ If you have a coral that needs to be near the water surface and requires the intensity of a 250 watt 6500k bulb, then that is the bulb that you will need, REGARDLESS of the size of your tank, 20g or 90g, that is what that coral will need to survive.” HTH


rockster i would love a bigger tank but that would cost a ton. I want to be able to provide what I have with the best solution. Say I get a 175Watt 10000k setup. Plus everyone says MH is the best lighting.


A good distance is 8 inches off the water. That way you don't lose to much intesity and you don't get a wet (broken) bulb either. You certainly don't have use a pendant with a metal halide bulb.


any other opinions or suggestions. I was thinking something off
Also VHO has been running through my mind as of late. I can't decide. Help.


If you stick with the 20 gallon and really dig halide, then I would look for a 90 watt 10000k lamp.
I haven't seen them in a while, but I bet somebody still makes them.
(I prefer halide.)


You might be better off with 2 or 3 strip-vho set up. On a 20 gallon you'd be able to keep pretty much anything with them. The mh set-up might cause you heating problems(unless you install fans) especially during the summer. You might want to ask around the board what other 20 gallon set-ups are like and then decide for yourself. mh are the best but might not be neccesary for what you want to keep.
If I was filthy rich I would make the 20 a hospital, and buy a huge tank! But, otherwise I too would be careful with MH on a small system, go with the VHO. :D


you need more that 8 inches off of the water! try for more around 12. with only 8 inches you will have to have a chiller on the tank and some huge fans!! I just put a 175 watt MH retrofit kit ina buddy of mine's 20 gallon. it is a great tank. pure colours. i had to go buy some serious fan to keep the water temp down, and that was with a 12" high hood.


What Kind of lighting do people currently have on there 20 Gallon tanks. I do have a reef tank only 2 fish.