MH or T5?


i have a 29 gallon tank, i want an anemone and a bunch of corals, but im not to concerned if i can only do %60 or corals, currently i have a pc light pushing 130 watts, is this enough? or do i have to go with mh or t5?


Active Member
if u plan to keep anemone, then t5 or mh is recommended. if u go the t5 route, just make sure the t5 has individual reflectors wrap around each bulb. if u can bypass the anemone, then ur pc is sufficient for most softies.


I disagree! I have had anemone's in my 29 with 130 watts pc's before. You could add a third light to supplement to be on the safe side if you are worried but I wouldn't replace the whole system but you should be fine if you have reflectors..


Active Member
I love the t5's!!! I have Nova Extreme VHO t5's , used to have MH's. My choice is t5's all the way!!! JMO. Good luck


Active Member
Originally Posted by CRABBYCHRIS
I disagree! I have had anemone's in my 29 with 130 watts pc's before. You could add a third light to supplement to be on the safe side if you are worried but I wouldn't replace the whole system but you should be fine if you have reflectors..
what kind of anemone was it? how long hv u had it? what happen to it?


Originally Posted by CRABBYCHRIS
I disagree! I have had anemone's in my 29 with 130 watts pc's before. You could add a third light to supplement to be on the safe side if you are worried but I wouldn't replace the whole system but you should be fine if you have reflectors..

that is exactly how much wattage i have going on, what do mean adding a third light though? how is this possible and what would u recommend? i would like to add something to be on the safe side if possible, what would u recommend on this?


Active Member
didnt u just order the Current USA SunPod Metal Halide Fixture, 150 Watt HQI, 30 inch as perfect dark recommended and u said u were ordering? PDark is the nem expert, ur lights are INsufficient, no matter what that other guy tells, listen to PDark, an you will have a very happy, gorgeous, anemone


I had a sebae anemone in the 29 for almost a year and then I sold the tank and livestock because I was moving to go in the air force. It was always beautiful and healthy, the reason that amount of lighting is sufficient in the 29 is because the tank is pretty shallow and the anemone will stay about half way up the tank. Weekly target feedings helped too. As long as each bulb has it's own reflector on the 29 I don't see a problem.
Although after talking to people on this site and objectively looking at my 260 watts of pc lighting on my 90 gallon I realize it's not enough. My corals are slowly withering away and drooping. I will be ordering a 6 bulb t5 set up asap.
You can order a single bulb kit for the pc's or you can buy a single bulb t5 kit for the additional light. Either one will be about $80. If you like send me a pm and I'll help with that light or I can sell you another 130 watt pc after I upgrade the dad is buying the other 130w from me for his 29.


Originally Posted by CRABBYCHRIS
You can order a single bulb kit for the pc's or you can buy a single bulb t5 kit for the additional light. Either one will be about $80. If you like send me a pm and I'll help with that light or I can sell you another 130 watt pc after I upgrade the dad is buying the other 130w from me for his 29.
Yeah i would like to add suplemental lighting to this if possible, gbta anemone is looking good i think, a bit bleached, but somewhat recovering and looking better, how many times feeding a week would u suggest? also, is my email if u would like to further negotiate with selling that lighting