MH Question


New Member
I PMd meowzer and asked her about this and she told me to post it here:
What is the real difference between Double Ended MH and Single Socket MH? Other then there amounts of watts? And special benefits or anything? Thanks!


Active Member
The wattages are pretty similar...You have 150w's which you'll see in DE, and I personally haven't seen any 175w DE MH's.....Other than that you'll see the same wattages in both SE and DE MH bulbs.
The difference between the 2 is that DE bulbs need the glass shielding. This is needed due to bulb design. SE bulbs are designed with UV shielding and the DE do not. There was a long debate years ago DE penetrated deeper, but honestly I don't believe that claim has ever been actually proven.
I guess it really depends on which style you want to go with. I think most people have reverted back to the traditional SE bulb setup.