MH recommendations


Ok, here is the deal. I have been shopping around for a MH set up, and found some that are decent priced. I was just wondering what would be the recommended wattage for A 75 gallon tank.
The MH units that I have found are 2X175, and 2X250. I have mostly LPS coral in the tank now.


Active Member
Are you planning on staying with just the LPS? I would go with at least the 250s so that if you want to get some higher light corals then you will not have to upgrade.


nope, i want to go with some SPS too, but was worried about the low light coral such as shrooms , zoanthids, and green star polyps. The price difference is only like 20 bucks for the 250 system. Just wanting some peoples opinions as i am not too familiar with MH setups.


Active Member
If you are even considering sps go with the 250s. The softies will understand. The only thing you may want to think about is the heat they may produce and how it will affect your tank.


I have already thought about the heat and am planning on adding fans and also building a new, taller canopy.
How much heat difference will there be from my lighting now. I have 660 watts of VHO over the tank now, and will remove atleast 220 watts and add the MH.


Active Member
So you will have 440 plus 500 on the 75. I have 1020 on my 120 and I NEED a chiller. You will have 940 on a 75. Heat may be an issue.


Active Member

Originally posted by mlm
So you will have 440 plus 500 on the 75. I have 1020 on my 120 and I NEED a chiller. You will have 940 on a 75. Heat may be an issue.

I use 800wts of halides over an 80 gallon and Heat has never been an issue for me. I run 2x 4" IceCap fans and that seems to keep the heat down. I run my tank between 78-82 degrees F.
I personally do not think you will need a chiller for the tank. If you bought 2x 4" fans, heat shouldn't really be an issue (unless you're located in an area which receives ample amounts of heat).
I would also want to second the above information given to you about the 250's. I would definitaly go with the 2x 250wt halides, esspecially when keeping small polyp scleractinians.
Just my opinion,


Thanks for the information guys........Plum, you will have mail here in a second.
Thanks again guys, I think im gonna go with the 250's.....unless you thing 400's would be better:D


Active Member
Hi nate
Your thread caught my attention - because I have a similar 75 running now.
With much help from several knowledgable members here ... I chose to go with (2) 250 watt 10K Ushios and 440 watts of VHO - mixed actinic and 50/50's.
I agree with everything Graham stated regarding heat.
Two 4" IceCap fans will help a lot ..... but it all depends on the ambient room temperature.
I keep the house between 68-74 F.
68-70 in winter - and around 72-74 with AC running in summer.
I also stagger the lighting throughout the day somewhat.
All lamps are not firing at the same time, but are set on timers that bring the tank up from actinic, to actinic + 50/50's, then one MH kicks on - then the other kicks on.
Tank runs at 80-82F ( need heater in winter )
This has a lot to do with my lack of heat issues I'm sure.
If you find you need a chiller - you may have to go that route.
It's awfully hard to predict how another persons tank will react regarding intense lighting.
What I learned from other's here is that room temperature is a very important part of it ;)


Active Member
A lot of your heating issue will have to do with how close the bulbs are to the water. If you do not have a tall canopy (like Broomers) you may have to still consider the chiller. I have 2 250w 10k USHIO + 440w of VHO but, my canopy is not very tall.......I get better water penetration but, I need the Chiller.........I am running 2 x 5" fans too.


Active Member

Originally posted by Rook
You have all of that light on a 29?

Hmmm........not only that, I have this giant sponge that keeps growing and growing and ..........ah nevermind. No I don't have that lighting over my 29g.........that is a physical impossiblilty.
I have a 120g set-up with that lighting on it.....the 29 has 300w of VHO. :)


Thanks alot guys.....I think i have made up my mind and im going to go with the 250', now any suggestions on how to pack alot of light into a tiny 13 gallon tank that measures 18.5 X 12 inches?