Hi nate
Your thread caught my attention - because I have a similar 75 running now.
With much help from several knowledgable members here ... I chose to go with (2) 250 watt 10K Ushios and 440 watts of VHO - mixed actinic and 50/50's.
I agree with everything Graham stated regarding heat.
Two 4" IceCap fans will help a lot ..... but it all depends on the ambient room temperature.
I keep the house between 68-74 F.
68-70 in winter - and around 72-74 with AC running in summer.
I also stagger the lighting throughout the day somewhat.
All lamps are not firing at the same time, but are set on timers that bring the tank up from actinic, to actinic + 50/50's, then one MH kicks on - then the other kicks on.
Tank runs at 80-82F ( need heater in winter )
This has a lot to do with my lack of heat issues I'm sure.
If you find you need a chiller - you may have to go that route.
It's awfully hard to predict how another persons tank will react regarding intense lighting.
What I learned from other's here is that room temperature is a very important part of it