This topic can be debated to death.
Generally it's believed 6500k (iwasakis for example) provide superior growth, and that 20k provides superior color in sps. This can all obviously be debated.
At a recent club meeting Sanjay Joshi spoke, a well known lighting expert. He is a professor at Penn State and has an incredible tank there run on 10ks alone with no supplementation. I spoke with him and he has grown corals under sakis with no supplementation from actinics. The corals don't need it, it is more for our visual appeal (yes I know about blue light at depth but I am accounting what he said
When I get my 180 going I am leading towards what attml has... 10k ushios with actinic supplementation. Shying away from radiums as that look is a little too blue for me, and I like the option of having three settings on my tank to compare...
1. just 10k
2. just actinic VHOs
3. both
I have seen many tanks, and that's the combination I like the best.
Some corals look better under different lights. There is no "perfect combination" in this regard...
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
My take is go with the spectrum you like and don't worry about growth for it will come under anything...