

Active Member
i saw a 50 watt metal halide retrofit kit and wanted to know if it be worth it to get 2 of them?would it help my tank at all or should i just get another 110 Watt pc?


Just my thought, but,
I thought that with MH, the wattage directly relates to the intensity and the depth the light will penetrate in your tank. I would not think a 50 watt bulb, even if you had multiple bulbs, would penetrate the water very far.
If you already have 4-55watt pc in a 40 gallon, I would think that is the maximum light that is going to give you anybenefit, without upgrading to MH.
I would either stick with what you got, or upgrade to 250watt bulb MH.


Active Member
I wouldn't wast your time and money on a 50w MH. I would recommend you get a 175w MH. One problem with a 50w bulb is it will be hard to find different bulbs. I mean k temp.


Active Member
thanks guys i think im going to just get another 110 watt pc for mine since i cant afford one or 2 mh because one bulb per two feet of tank length i cant come up with that kind of money im thinking of maybe building my own 2 110 watt VHo System i dont know yet any ideas i want to at least be able to keep a brain coral


Active Member
There's one slight problem....
....there are no 50wt Metal Halides ;)
The closest you could get to that would be the 70wt Halides. If you did want to go with the halides, I would go with the 150wt or 175wt halide to go on your tank. Otherwise, you would be better off going with the Compacts.
Graham :)


Active Member
there are 50 watt MH but they come in very low kelvin, 150 or175 is the way to go , Logan thats a cool avatar isnt it:)


Active Member

Originally posted by plum70rt
there are 50 watt MH but they come in very low kelvin, 150 or175 is the way to go , Logan thats a cool avatar isnt it:)

I know there are the 50wt halides which are usually sold at home depot with the Coil Ballasts, which usually have a very low Kelven, usually around 3300k, is this the halide you're talking about? From my knowledge, there are no 50wt halides (at least that I know of), being sold for Aquaria use specificly.
Graham :)


Active Member
Thats right Graham, no 50watters for aquarium use,
BTW ever hear of Venture brand bulbs in 10k?


Active Member
if i bought another 110 watt pc could i keep a brain in my tank that would be almost 5.5 watts per gallon


I would be carefull with the whole e-bay thing. I can see the miss understanding with the light and the way that he has it advertised, but I have never seen a 50 watt MH. I could be wrong though.


What sort of "brain"? I have had very good luck with a scolima (sp), but bad luck with a traciphillia (sp) with approximately the same amount of lighting. Of course it may be due to something other than lighting.
I believe most will tell you that amount would be fine for most brains.