anyone who's been in the hobby long enough know the routine. We are the newbe, the LFS says any word and we think it is godspell. Buy the skillter, then buy the seaclown (i mean sea clone) , by this time we are fustrated, find an online chat site about salt water fish, (Hey, why didn't the guys at the LFS tell my about this) And learn from people in the hobby for a while and learn that skilters, sea clones, and Jebo, are peices of cow poop. Same thing with the lights, the LFS takes us thru the phases with the lights.
After being in the hobby for a couple of years we all end up with a closet full of useless equipment,That we spent well over $2K on. If only the guys at the LFS told us the truth, and save us some money.
But this way you end up haveing issues with your water, just can't get it right, LFS sells you this med, that med, try this, try that. They make a ton of money, they just before you are ready to quit, "Well, I was hoping to save you some money, and you would have to buy this, but it looks like you make need a bigger, stronger this or that". Sells you another piece of junk equipment, and there you go again for another few months. Then you finally figure out what is going on. But by then you have a skilter and a seaclone, a whisper filter, (because the emperor was too much $$ and not nessasary) The strip lights, because that is all you will need. The the coral life is all you need, Oh but I didn't realize you would want an anemone, you need MH's. So in the closet they pc go too.
Come on tell the truth. You all know you have it in there.