MIA again


IVe had a yellow wrasse in a QT tank for 2wks before that it was alone in a display tank for 6mo. Now I put it in my display tank and its swims all over the place eats fine now after a day and half i cant find it anywhere was there one min gone the next. HELP


Is your tank covered? I know I have had them jump out only to find them all dried up. I have also had them disappear and find them under my rock....dead and the crabs or shrimp eating them. I had a radiant wrasse and had him for six months or so and he was swimming the day before and the next day I couldn't find him. I looked and looked and finally saw him under the rock, dead and being eaten. Sorry for your loss.


Active Member
Doesn't nessicerly mean you have a "loss". He could just be playing hide and seek. Good luck, hopefully he'll pop up.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by farmandfish
IVe had a yellow wrasse in a QT tank for 2wks before that it was alone in a display tank for 6mo. Now I put it in my display tank and its swims all over the place eats fine now after a day and half i cant find it anywhere was there one min gone the next. HELP

Sorry to here of this... lost mine the same way...just swam around, everything looked fine, it took a nice look at the sand, and dug in. Never to be seen again. 5 weeks..it must be dead.


I found it behind the tank. I have egg grate and a screen over the tank. It got out some how.I want some active fish all I have are 2 clowns and a diamond goby, I dont want chromis or a RG, I am going to Get a Flame Angel when the time comes. I have a 55 FOWLR. Any suggestions?