Michaels 14 Gallon Nano


Hello everyone I have a 14 gallon nano that has been up for around a month or so right now. I have a serious algae problem in the sand bed with no algae on the rocks or on my glass. I have 5 turbo snails, 4 different Zoo polyp colonies and a pair of Occelaris clown fish. What should I get to take care of the Algae in the sand bed? Can I add a six-line wrasse or Fire goby?
Salinity 1.022
Nitrites 0
Nitrates 0
PH 8.4
Ps I will post pictures in a couple of minutes


Active Member
well you can add another fish but that wont take care of the algea. maybe some nass snails. cant wait for pics. adn try to get th s.g to 1.024


Bring my S.G. up gotcha...you think either one of those would be alright without pushing the fish size limit for a tank? My clowns seem to not really take up much space. Nass snails what else would work for agitating a sand bed? would hermit crabs? or shrimp? be alright. My last water change was 2 gallons around a week ago. I use all R/O water.


Ya the glass is pretty scratched up I bought the tank from a pet store that went out of business. Lol I'll go clean it now and get some better pictures up.


Active Member
do a change of 5 gallons. maybe that will help. it doesnt really matter where the fish spend of the times. it matters how much ammonia they produce by their waste. also dont get hermits they will knock down everything. i learn from experience. you could but if you dont want them to knock the frags your good. also shrimp are good. get a pep and a cleaner.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MGeraci2007
Ya the glass is pretty scratched up I bought the tank from a pet store that went out of business. Lol I'll go clean it now and get some better pictures up.
thankyou! we love to see clean tanks. also whats in chamber 2? are you using bioballs? if you are take them out and replace with chaeto. dont put lr rubble. it collects detritus. also if you plan to add lr rubble be sure to add ls or mud in a cup place the rubble there. and chaeto on top.


I still have the bioballs in chamber 2, should I switch to chaeto? I am not sure how many pounds of live rock are in there but it seems to be a pretty heavy amount of filtration. Are biocube lights up to hard corals or am I limited to soft corals? I will do a 5 gallon change tonight. And Ill post some clean pics ASAP


Active Member
Originally Posted by MGeraci2007
I still have the bioballs in chamber 2, should I switch to chaeto? I am not sure how many pounds of live rock are in there but it seems to be a pretty heavy amount of filtration. Are biocube lights up to hard corals or am I limited to soft corals? I will do a 5 gallon change tonight. And Ill post some clean pics ASAP
Limited to softies, lps, zoos, etc
no sps


Active Member
Originally Posted by MGeraci2007 http:///forum/post/2811247
I still have the bioballs in chamber 2, should I switch to chaeto? I am not sure how many pounds of live rock are in there but it seems to be a pretty heavy amount of filtration. Are biocube lights up to hard corals or am I limited to soft corals? I will do a 5 gallon change tonight. And Ill post some clean pics ASAP
yea take out the bioballs. read this thread i made to help you out.
and you can keep lps and soft. just no sps like monitporas etc..... you could keep hammer, frogspawn, favias, duncans, acans, etc


Thanks everyone I don't know what I would do without SWF.com and this forum. I have learned so much here, and so much has changed since my last SW tank 10 years ago. Back when I was a wee 9 years old.


Just a reminder when I bought the tank it had all those scratches in it but All I paid was 80 bucks for the whole she-bang. Including all the large rock


Active Member
Originally Posted by MGeraci2007
Just a reminder when I bought the tank it had all those scratches in it but All I paid was 80 bucks for the whole she-bang. Including all the large rock
Looking good man!!1 Love the clowns, just got 2 of them myself today