Michigan role call...


Active Member
wow! no stores closer? lol thats a distancce! especially in the winter! but thank god for meijers! ro water 24/7 if needed!


Naw there's stores down this way but in bigger citys prices tend to be a little cheaper and also a larger variety and more stores..........

jeff s.

Newbie to posting, but been reading here quite a while.
I am in Bloomfield Township. Moby

is my usual store, however the ***** down the road gets my business for supplies, unless I get em online.
Nice store with very knowledgable employees. Oceans and Seas is another that is a nice store.
I was pretty happy with Fantastic Fins, down in Livonia, right on Ann Arbor Rd off of 275. I lost 4 of the same type of Cichlids I got from them in a weeks time, only loss of fish I had in a year, and they were not willing to replace or refund me anything. Told me it was something I had done to the fish yadda yadda.... I guess I should have been more cautios after seeing a customer in the store point out a tank of the stores was full of fish with ICK.
To the guy in Toledo, I was born down there and my father was raised there. He graduated from Rogers High, way back when....... Trilbey Tropics on Monroe is a great place and will be even better when they get the salt moved into the new building the aquired.
I am shocked to see the people from Metro Detroit here and no mention of what is one of the largest salt stores in the nation, and the largest in the Tri-State area. Tropicorium. More then ten years ago my father used to have salt tanks, and all his stuff came from there. My fish have all came from there. If you ever are in Michigan and want to see an amazing little hole in the wall, its in Romulus, near Metro Airport. They have a site, I am sure you can find it.
Ok thats plenty for my first post. Oh ok... a little more. I have five tanks, 40,55,75,120 and another brand new 120. Only one tank is salt, I am a Cichlid guy, but the wife and kids wanted a "nemo"
Thanks and sorry for the long read.


Active Member
haha i grew up in romulus... never heard of the store..lol
i will look it up and check em out next time i am down there..


I Live in Sterling Heights. I have been going to Kee's Aquarium, there people know there stuff athough not a huge selection. I have been to Aquatic Discoveries when I first started my tank and they are mostly a maitnence company and the whole 20 mins I was in there no one ever asked me if I needed ant help, and belive me I did. I had no clue what I was doing or where to start. I am going to try out some of these other stores. Where is the Fish Guy. I have heard good things about him on another message board. But I haven't had a chance to get out there.


Active Member
Im near ann arbor but i do most of my fish shopping in ypsi and canton.as for moby d.'s i stopped buying even fw fish from them yrs ago havent been in that store in 20 yrs when i boycot i boycot lol.


Active Member
lol what made you boycot them? the aiptasia? i have seen worse elsewhere..
or was it several bad experiences? i am looking for a lfs that offers some kind of guarantee on their marine life, other then ordering online..
its kind of surprising that a website would guarantee their livestock, but most local fish stores do not...
you would think it would be the other way around..
i did visit choice aquariums in farmington hills, at 12 & orchard lake.. they have some nice set-ups there, but let the aiptasia go wild for some reason.. I was going to get some macroalgae from them, but i do not wish to introduce the aiptasia, lol..
they have a decent supply of dry goods, and I picked up some reef crystals there to use when i get rid of the rest of my red sea salt... got a versa-top for just over $30 - cheaper then some stores.. the reef crystals were a little over $20 for a 50 gallon bag.. and they have a nice selection of foods (cyclopeeze for just under $9).
I live in Grand Blanc, right next to flint. Most of the fish stores around here are no good, so I drive an hour to Preuss animal house in East Lansing. When I first walked in there, I almost passed out... It is so beautiful! Their fish department is huge, almost like you are at a public aquarium, without the fee...LOL. In april, they are moving into a different store that is 3.5 times bigger, I think... It is going to be so cool. There is going to be a river running through it, Wow...! LOL I'm sure I look like an idiot right now for being so amazed about all of this.
Oh, and you can always trust their stuff, because they quarintine all of their livestock for 5 weeks before they hit the displays, And you can buy live rock there for $12 per pound, With coral on it!
I always buy the 1/2 pound pieces, and get a nice soft coral for only 6 dollars...I know...I'm cheap...LOL


Active Member
Originally Posted by cain420
lol what made you boycot them? the aiptasia? i have seen worse elsewhere..
or was it several bad experiences? i am looking for a lfs that offers some kind of guarantee on their marine life, other then ordering online..
its kind of surprising that a website would guarantee their livestock, but most local fish stores do not...
you would think it would be the other way around..
i did visit choice aquariums in farmington hills, at 12 & orchard lake.. they have some nice set-ups there, but let the aiptasia go wild for some reason.. I was going to get some macroalgae from them, but i do not wish to introduce the aiptasia, lol..
they have a decent supply of dry goods, and I picked up some reef crystals there to use when i get rid of the rest of my red sea salt... got a versa-top for just over $30 - cheaper then some stores.. the reef crystals were a little over $20 for a 50 gallon bag.. and they have a nice selection of foods (cyclopeeze for just under $9).
i boycotted them because of the shape the store was in back then it was filthy with fish always floating belly up like i said it was 20 yrs ago. i use fish dr .they have 3 locations ypsilanti canton and trenton,also found a new place today call tropicorium they have a huge selection of fish and corals its on inkter rd in romulous.


Active Member
well, i went to tropicorium today. They sure do have ALOT to look through! Store seems a little dirty but with all they have going on, id rather them take care of the tanks then to worry about wiping things down too much. Picked up a bag of chaeto, cant wait to get rid of my green hair algae and some of the red slime..
They sure do have ALOT of corals!!!! Some gorgeous clams too!
If you are ever around romulus, i suggest stopping in there even if it is just to look around. I mustve been in there at least an hour and a half, just looking at what they have and fighting off tempation to buy things!
I cant wait until my tank is established!!


michigan here... hazel park...
fishguys is a great store, so is stingray bay...
you locals should check out michiganreefers.com


Active Member
I'm in Lansing. I go to Preuss Pets just like Spansih Dancer. They have a 200+ gal freshwater setup with fish that are over 2 ft. long. They also have 4-5 other fresh and salt tanks set up, they are all beautiful.


i'm not a fan of the trop... i hear all these great deals they have, then drive an hour and see very typical prices.... the two i mentioned have the best prices, hands down.


Active Member
sometimes i willing to spend more for quality.i have had great luck with fish drs and also a member of mi.reefers