micro algea in a bak-pak


ok this might sound silly but I have dual bak-pak skimmer and in the middle wear you would have the bio material "which I have removed" could I keep some micro algea in for nitrate controll and food for my tang


If you have room in the chamber and the water is not flowing to fast, you can put some mud in bottom or sand and put some culepera in there. It is just like my refugium. I have a CPR hang on back refugium. There is some differences between people and how long and how much the culepera needs. i run 14 watts 24 hours a day from a reg light. i hope this helps.


I use the cpr bak pak i use it for all kinds of stuff.. put carbon in it if needed... keep my heater in it.. I see no reason why what you are talking about wouldnt work just fine..