Micro bubbles from chemiclean


I added some chemiclean to my tank for some red slime 3 days ago. I didn't read the box well enough, and forgot to leave off my skimmer for the first 24 hours (not sure if that has anything to do with the bubbles). Anyways, I have had a large amount of microbubbles ever since adding the chemiclean. So much that my fish are hiding in the rocks. I just did a 10 percent water change, and it didn't help. Any ideas???


New Member
Are you still running the skimmer? I've used chemi-clean and had to leave the skimmer off a couple of extra days, then all was fine.


New Member
I had the skimmer off til I did the water change. After that I started it back up and then got bubbles. I left the skimmer off a couple of more days and then started it back up and it blew a few bubbles for about an hour and then quit.
If it keeps up after that I would do another 10% water change and try the skimmer again.