Micro bubbles from skimmer


Ok, here is the deal. I moved my cpr to another tank, hooked it up, and I can not get rid of micro bubbles coming back into the tank from the return. I've turned the air off, and obviously no bubbles, but no skimmer. Any suggestions OTHER than getting rid of the CPR Bak pak? lol. I've been setting up my 115 and am strapped for cash for a while. Changing the 55 from QT to aggressive. Anyhelp would be appreciate. Thanks


hello Roofis i had the same problem with my cpr bak pak when i first got it then i did some research and found that the air line going into the pump needs to be wide open ...........take the valve thing right off and have just the air line hanging over the back of the tank and all the micro bubbles went away ......... give it a try it worked for me
good luck


Thank you. sorry for the delay. It's homecoming at the university and a large amount of troops just came home today. It's going to be a day tomarrow...
Again, thank you and will def. try your advice.


If you moved it [CPR Bak Pak] to a new tank, it will take a day or two for it two stop spewing bubbles. After the first two days go ahead and manually adjust the the air intake nozzle and it should work. For some reason I have the same problem after I do a water change. But after a couple of hours the bubbles go away. Another trick, if you run carbon in your sytem, you can place a media bag with carbon in the space next to where the bubbles are being produced. Doesn't look nice but it works