Micro bubbles in biocube


I am getting microbubbles in my biocube 29g. I don't have a skimmer, and have everything stock. No bioballs live rock instead. How do I get rid of them?


Active Member
Dont know for sure but when mine started doing that it was because there wasnt enough water in the 3rd chamber (left side looking at the tank from the front) I always make sure the water level is in check using the gauge on the side. Air bubbles in the tank can only be your pump drawing air somehow seeing as though thats the only mechanical device in your tank.


Thanks I got the problem fixed already, I see you have to keep it at the max line or above max line.....I'm not sure.


Active Member
Not above max, typically anywhere in between the 2 white lines you should be but more towards the max. WHen it gets too low you have those issues. If you let go above then you are letting too much water accumulate in your middle chamber which defeats the dry filtration part of the system.


Active Member
If you replaced the bio balls with live rock you can fill it past the max line. Then you wont have to worry so much about it getting too low.