Micro bubbles??


What causes them and how do I get rid of them. My tank is full and so is my sump but my return valve is spitting out these tiny bubbles


Active Member
Do you have a ball valve in your return line? If you have too much pressure in your return line, it could be causing the bubbles. Also, check the angle in your return line. Too much of a downward angle will create bubbles. Is the opening of your return line above or below the water surface?


It is below the water My sump is full what do you mean to much of a downward angle? If it is below the tank how would I keep it from a downward angle. I did add a chemical to kill red algea. could that have something to do with it. It did kill the algea but now these bubbles are irritating


Active Member
I wasn't sure of your return line. Some tanks have an adjustable return line. Where are the bubbles originating from? Are they in your sump and being sucked into your return line? Describe what kind of setup you have. Is your sump, a true sump or a wet dry filter?


I am not sure This is what i have I have a container at the top of the tank that the water pours into. then the water goes down to the tank underneath it goues through a fiber filter and then over to another side where the skimmer is and then it is sucked back up into the tank


Active Member
Aha, I think we found your problem. You have your skimmer in the wrong section. It should never be in the last section of your sump/wet dry filter. The reason being is that a skimmer craetes bubbles which will get sucked into your return and then pumped into your tank. If you have live rock in your tank, then you can take the bio balls out of your filter and place your skimmer in that section. If you want to keep your bio balls, then you will have to add a baffle in the last section of your wet dry box with a sponge betwen the section which the water will have to go through. The sponge will stop bubbles from entering into the last chamber.