Micro Bubbles!!


New Member
Hey guys.. I just put a Sea Clone 100 protein skimmer on my tank and I am having major micro bubble issues! I know there is much speculation out there regarding whether they pose a threat or not, but today I want to get rid of them because they are unsightly! So any suggestions would be great regarding this! This tank is a 55 gallon with a hang on skimmer... Any help out there would be much appreciated!!!


Active Member
you probably don't want to hear this, but the best advice i can give you is to remove the seaclone, and purchase a skimmer of better quality.
or you can wait and see if it goes away on it's own. how long has the skimmer been running?


Mr_X;2769462 said:
you probably don't want to hear this, but the best advice i can give you is to remove the seaclone, and purchase a skimmer of better quality.
hang ons rep for bubbles i come across it alot from customers get a sump and chuck in an in sump skimmer


Okay I know you don't want to hear this CHUCK THE SKIMMER! I did the seaclone, skilter, cheap skimmer thing when I stated too. No matter what you do to them they won't run or do what a good skimmer will do!


New Member
Well guys I had a nice terminator 2 skimmer until it broke
So I put a sponge on the water outlet and the bubbles went away! I really can't afford a new skimmer right now so I guess this will have to do for awhile... Thanks guys!


Active Member
if it is new they take awhile to break in,but as other people have said it is not a good skimmer if you have to have a HOB skimmer look at deltec or octopus aqua remora are ok but loud