microbubble problem


Is there a way to stop the emperor 400 from causing so many micro bubbles in my tank? It looks like my tank is full of debris which is annoying.


Active Member
Check your intake tube and make sure there aren't any cracks.
Make sure the water isn't splashing into the tank.
Make sure there is no air getting injected into the water anywhere.


sounds like this could be a fun thing to figure out. I just moved it over to my 46 gal bow tank and i noticed salt creep going up the side of the guards that cover the wheels. This thing has been a pain in the butt. I just picked up a HOT magnum canister filter for my QT. Maybe I'll just keep it on my tank and get something else for the QT. Which do you think is better?


Active Member
The Emporer will be more beneficial on the display tank as it has a lot of bacteria on it. The canister filter is nothing but an empty fuge that you cant put lights on. It is a glorified powerhead that adds to your water volume. I would put it on the QT and just clean up the emporer for the bow.


I really can't seem to find any place on the intake thats letting air in. I guess i'll just have to wait and see if I can get the problem fixed. I'm guessing i have splashing going on somewhere thats causing it.
Thanks airforce


Active Member
Originally Posted by WLA1610
I really can't seem to find any place on the intake thats letting air in. I guess i'll just have to wait and see if I can get the problem fixed. I'm guessing i have splashing going on somewhere thats causing it.
Thanks airforce
If the water is falling from it to the water a couple inches that would cause it. Is the tank filled?


Yeah, actually its almost over filled right now. I need to take a little bit out of it because its hitting the glass top. I think I may have fixed the problem though :)


I suggest getting rid of the Fluval filter. I had 3 of them that I used on my freshwater tanks. I bought them all brand new and they all leaked within 3 months. Garbage. I don't mean to discourage you, but I have had very bad luck with Fluvals, particularly the 404's. Sorry.