Microbubbles, I _STILL_ have them.


This seems to be an unsolvable problem for me.
I've have microbubbles in this tank and they just simply will not go away.
I literally put in new powerheads and soon as I turn the powerheads on it just gushes micro bubbles out. I've let the water sit for hours on end several times trying to get the bubbles on the surface then doing water changes but that doesn't work.
This is going to take a toll on my fish and I really need to figure out what to do.
My powerheads any powerhead I put in the tank blows bubbles, new or used... My Skimmer does a small amount and my Canister filter (Mag 350) well it was doing it and I have kept it off for the last 5 days.
Can I just take out as much water in my tank as possible.... Like siphon it into a bucket so I don't need to make all new salt water and then simply put it back into the tank? Would that work to get the current micro bubbles out of the tank?
I need to solve this ASAP and it is driving me crazy. :( What is a for sure 100% way to get this taken care of one and for all.
Like I've said, I've check/replaced/cleaned all my equipment 2-3x and still no resolution (


Active Member
Removing tankwater then putting it back in will not do much if anything at getting rid of bubbles in my opinion.
Air can become entrapped in a powerhead.
You can turn them upside down for awhile and tap on them while they're running. This will often clear them of air pockets.
Try it and see if it helps.
Are you dosing any additives to the tank ?


Active Member
Make sure you're not accidentally/intentionally drawing air into the powerhead. This may seem obvious (it wasn't for me) but many powerhead brands have an air intake/exhaust ability for powering undergravel filters or airstones--normally they come with a lil plug you need to put over a hole to keep it from drawing air through it. You may just want to check into that if you haven't already...


Everything is plugged and I've cleaned and let bubbles out of powerheads so I dunno what to do here. If I just keep letting the tank sit will that get rid of the bubbles? It seems leaving the tank sit just won't cure anything.


Active Member
Leaving the tank sit idle with out water circulation will allow the bubbles to rise and leave - but as soon as you turn on equipment again - chances are they will return.
I wouldn't recommend running the tank without circulation.
Can you describe your set up in more detail.
Size tank ?
Number and make of powerheads ?
Type and location of skimmer ?


Do you have a wet/dry? When the flow rate in my small tank was too high, the airation of the water though the bio balls would cause small bubbles in my tank as well. I slowed it down a bit and the bubbles were gone.
Do you have a ground wire in the tank? Maybe the water is charged and holding the bubbles suspended in there...? Is that possible?


Only things I am running in the tank right now
Is a Prizim Pro Hang-On Skimmer which I have cut back water to flow to where the valve is almost shut.
I have 2 Maxi-Jet 1200s. 1 was not blowing air and I have it placed under the Skimmer so it can suck up the water coming from the skimmer.
I have the other Maxi-Jet 1200 blowing across the front of tank currently upside down to try to get rid of excess bubbles.
My Mag350 is completely off and the only other powerhead I have is a tiny Rio 180 I stuffed between the intake and return of my Skimmer to agitate the water on the surface (I was getting a film). That little powerhead point upward to the top.
Since replies last night, still having air bubbles (


Active Member
Do you have surface break on the water? It helps gas exchange. It happened to me some time ago. Just aim a powerhead to break the surface. It may work for ya.


This tanks is a 55 gallon.
I run 2 Maxi-Jet 1200s, 1 Rio Mini 180
Skimmer is a hang-on on the back right of the tank.
Other equipment running is a Mag 350 which I seemed to have turned back on and it is not putting bubbles into tank.
the bubbles are still around the top I have 2 powerheads actually pointed upward to break the top
This wouldn't bug me but for next 2 1/2 weeks my fish need to be in the tank. I am using it as sorta a QT while my 150 is getting set-up.
I'm QT'n a Yellow Tang in here and he got Gas poisoning. His Blisters are gone and now just healing but I have a Green Chromis in there with him which is having a hardtime.
Tanks has been running since last Oct and haven't have levels change from zero since December so I think the air bubbles are causing my problems. Which comes obvious since the yellow is sick.