microscopic pic


Well-Known Member
How many of us spend time looking at the sides of a tank under a magnifier, I wonder? I have a 10x repographic magnifier, normally used to look closely for printing errors, and I often use it to peer at the little world just under our noses at the glass barrier of my aquariums. Yesterday, I noticed these in a low-flow corner of my seahorse tank. I'm thinking one of three things: hydroids, aptasia planula, or featherduster larvae. I'm hoping they're just the pre-tube larvae of feather dusters (I have a lot in this tank, horses produce a lot of waste) but if anyone else has seen these did you ever find out? Any thoughts would be appreciated!


Active Member
It seems I read something somewhere about the need to clean baby brine shrimp of somthing so that hydroids do not develop in the tank. Do you feed brine to the seahorses?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by spanko
It seems I read something somewhere about the need to clean baby brine shrimp of somthing so that hydroids do not develop in the tank. Do you feed brine to the seahorses?
Nope, never have. These don't really
look like hydroids...that's why I posted 'em.


Someone blew a dandelion into your tank?
I hope it is the larval stage of featherdusters and not hydroids as that could be bad for your horses.