Microsoft Windows Vista


I myself am unsure about the new operating system. Just like the systems before this, I am comfortable with XP.
From what I have read and heard about it, it sounds like it would be more eye appealing to the customer than usefull. It does have some do qualities as far as internet use, like more secure and hacker safe, but if it doesn't perform tasks well then what good would it be.
Apparently Gates had spent 6 billion dollars and 5 years developing this new operating system and I would willing to give it a shot. I know there are a few others in here that are computer savy and I would like to hear your comments on it.


From what I have read, performance drops 5% with Vista. Some applications drop 35% in performance, so I will take a wait and see attitude with Vista.


Active Member
I watched the keynotes on Vista last week and it's capabilities are amazing. However, it is a Microsoft product so I won't even think about implementing it until a service pack is released. The new Office suite is totally different as well and it's features are robust too.
Although I voted no, I will probably pick up a copy for testing purposes at work.


Originally Posted by shogun323
I watched the keynotes on Vista last week and it's capabilities are amazing. However, it is a Microsoft product so I won't even think about implementing it until a service pack is released. The new Office suite is totally different as well and it's features are robust too.
Although I voted no, I will probably pick up a copy for testing purposes at work.
I agree. I won't vote since it is my poll, but I would vote no also. I would like to see it in action just like test driving a new car. you can say no to it, but once you try it you might like it. I have alot of IT friends that stuck with 2000 a few years after XP came out because the were to familier with it. now they are sworn to XP faithfully.
A question? Is it a fear of change to something new that keeps people from wanting it? I'm no expert, but I can get around in XP pretty good. will Vista be the same?


Active Member
I Beta tested it for about seven months and so far so good..Few updates needed, but that is to be expected


Active Member
Originally Posted by reckler
A question? Is it a fear of change to something new that keeps people from wanting it? I'm no expert, but I can get around in XP pretty good. will Vista be the same?
For me it's a couple of reasons. Primarily, is it cost effective to upgrade to Vista? For us, No. Implimenting Vista will not increase productivity so it is not cost effective to upgrade. Our productivity from an IT standpoint comes from 3rd party software suites not the OS. Another issue is that Vista appears to be a resource hog. I believe Microsoft recommends a gig of RAM. We currently run 512 here so that would mean upgrades for all. Additionally, for us, we use some industry specific software so there are potential compatibility issues. Also, I believe that Vista requires a clean install so there is indeed a labor factor as well. We will definately remain on XP here for a few years most likely.
Me personally I will probably get on it by fall if not a bit sooner.


I think if Microsoft would have invested some money in trying to improve XP to be a little stronger, they would have made more money from it. XP is a pretty good software, but with a little improvement it could be better and more efficiant than it is now.
I will buy a copy of Vista, but I will wait until a few updates come out first just like eveyone else is saying.
Thanks for all the input. Ron


My copy of Vista arrives today, I will intall it on my laptop this weekend but I wont install it on any of my other pc's, I want to see how it reacts to drivers and other software first.


Active Member
As a IT guy, my advice is NEVER be the first one with a new operating system. Wait at least until they have the first service pack out. You dont want to be the one that is debugging the software for Microsoft....

tx reef

Active Member
I am ordering a new laptop for my wife next week from Dell. I am going to be stuck with Vista whether I want it or not.


Stay with XP for a year more then Microsoft will maybe have most of the bugs worked out. Microsoft is notorious for releasing a program that is not working correctly and then fixes it on the go. IMO


Active Member
I think you will at least be better off with it preloaded...There are a lot of specs that need changing inside an older tower if you are upgrading


Active Member
Originally Posted by TX Reef
I am ordering a new laptop for my wife next week from Dell. I am going to be stuck with Vista whether I want it or not.
It looks like you only HAVE to get Vista if you order an Inspiron. If you go with a Latitude you still have a choice. One thing to consider is that the Latitude is their business line of laptops. I dont know of any businesses that are going to switch over to Vista right away, hence it being very, very smart of Dell to not install it on their business machines. I buy a lot of Dell laptops for my office. If they told me that I had to use Vista if I wanted to buy from them I would find another brand to use.


Originally Posted by TX Reef
I am ordering a new laptop for my wife next week from Dell. I am going to be stuck with Vista whether I want it or not.
you can tell dell that you want xp and they will gladly install it for you... you do have the choice. dell wants you to buy a dell computer, you can pretty much get them to do whatever you want.


i too am getting vista to test,it will not go on my network for at least 3 years. i decided to put it on a partition of its own on my laptop, just in case it does not run well, but people keep in mind no other OS has been in development as long as this one, also know that more people has tested this os then ever before, yes its a microsoft product, but is it really, it looks a lot like mac, Linux, unix and Mozilla all rolled up in to one OS, plus much more. I think Bill did his homework on this one, it requires more resources then i would like, but it is what it is.


Active Member
I'm going to let everyone else spend their money to work out the bugs/kinks. XP does just fine for me....I'll wait for the price to drop, the bugs to work out, and the 'need' for an upgrade.
If you have XP, do you really "need" Vista?


Staff member
Its probably best not to upgrade, but just get the new system when its time to buy a new pc. I think its always best to hold off on getting new programs or OS's until well after the release date so that the bugs get worked out before you introduce them to your system.
Just know, that applications that are not xp compatible will likely not be usable with vista.