midas blenny jumps to his death


wondering if anybody has had this probelm before. we had this little guy for about 3 weeks. he was doing great,he found a nice little spot to call his own. then he changed spots the other day and started hanging out in the middle of the tank which was o;k because we only have two maroon clowns in the tank (40gal.)well the bad news he decided that the water was greener on the other side and found the smallest crack to get out. are these blennies know to be jumpers and if so are there a different species of these guys that are not jumpers? how small a crack do they need to get out? thanks. we just like to know because they have a great personality and we'd like to get another one.


Is there anything else in the tank that made him move from his spot. You mentioned the two clowns, any inverts? I'm speaking from my experiences, but the only time I seem to have fish jump out of my tank, it's due to something stressing them. A bully in the tank, preventing it from relaxing. I'm currently dealing with my psydochromis who is giving any new addition nothing but trouble. I'm in the process of trying to catch him and move it to another tank.

hairy tang

New Member
Same here. The only time I have ever seen them jump is when the are constantly being harrassed. I had a sailfin bleenie jump being chased by a royal black. Others claim fish will jump if they lack oxygen. Just a thought.


well, it was funny now that you mention it. he was hanging out with his head out of the water from time to time after he moved to the middle of the tank. we only have the two clowns and a flame shrimp and they seemed to getting along o:k. the oxygen in the tank is something I never thought about but why would that be ? low on oxygen. :rolleyes: