MIdas blenny?


i have a biocube 29 with 20 pounds of live rock. I have a hammer coral and i have a firefish, a flameangel, 2 clownfish, a wheelers watchman goby and some snails and hermit crabs and crabs i also have 1 peppermint shrimp and a cleaner shrimp. my tank has been up and running for about 2 months and my question is can i add a midas blenny or clown goby? I deciding if i sould return my wheelers watchman goby because she doesnt really do anything and i want something active.


The nano forum seems to be dead, do you want me to move this to a different area so you get more responses? I've already given you my opinion on this in another thread.


Active Member
Midas should be fine in there, although they have a tendency to change to a deep dark brown in overly crowded tanks where they cannot perch comfortably.I would think you should be ok with 5 fish in this size tank. The fish you mentioned stay relatively small.


I figured I'd write it in here as well afterall.
If you had a larger system, I don't think there would be an issue. But in smaller tanks, your firefish is very likely going to be harassed by the Midas.
This is what it states in the Scott Michael Reef Aquarium Fishes Book as well as what I've seen personally: "While it tends to ignore unrelated species, it will sometimes pick on small planktivores (I have seen a Midas Blenny bite the fins of a firefish and dart gobies). It is more likely to become a behavioral problem in a smaller tank (30 gallons or less) than in a larger aquarium."
Another sites writes: "Sometimes, the Midas Blenny will vex small planktivores and has been known to nip at firefish and gobies. Larger tanks are advantageous as many of the Midas Blenny's aggressive behavior traits seem to relate to a confining tank situation."