Might buy a seahorse...


Active Member
I'm not sure what to do, my parents want me to tear it down. Even though i pay for everything they want me to save for a car. i followed that up by saying if i had a car the only place id go would be the LFS to spend more money. That didn't go over well. Plus, it seems like no one is having ant luck at all with horses, maybe i'd be better off putting the $60 into my reef....


Active Member
well i called and found out that the 2 at the store are Kellogis like my old one, they said they can get in others but they will be closer to $70 each. I put the 2 kellogis on hold and will get them once my water is correct. If these ones don't work i'm not getting any more though.
Im catching this late but just wanted to say I am sorry for your loss.
Good luck with the newbies when u get them home, I hope things go better for you with them!
Dont give up, horses are wonderful!!!!


Active Member
Where did you get your horses? (the ones that did well?) Is the tigertail from Caribbean forest doing well?


Active Member
I guess the breeder at CF only has kelloggi all other SH's are wild, is your tigertail wild? Every time you talk to a different person at that place you get a different answer.
Anyway, decided to try my fav LFS, the reef shoppe. (i didn't think they ever got SH's) But was happy to hear they can usually get tank bred Kuda pairs for $80-$100
and possibly other kinds too. I'll call again when they get their list in a few days.
Tigerlily is doing GREAT!!!! She is a champ at hunting!!!! I was able to find an adult pair from Ca and had them shipped here and she LOVES having a "mother figure" I always find them together!!!!
They did tell me she was CB from a "breeder" but u never really know who is telling the truth or lying to get u to spend the $$ KWIM???


Active Member

Originally Posted by ci11337
I guess the breeder at CF only has kelloggi all other SH's are wild, is your tigertail wild? Every time you talk to a different person at that place you get a different answer.
Anyway, decided to try my fav LFS, the reef shoppe. (i didn't think they ever got SH's) But was happy to hear they can usually get tank bred Kuda pairs
for $80-$100
and possibly other kinds too. I'll call again when they get their list in a few days.
where exactly is this reef shoppe located?? i'm looking for a place to get kuda. my parents don't seem to like the idea of the 89 bucks you would pay to get one off of most of the sites i've found.


Active Member
Originally Posted by NyButterfly03
Tigerlily is doing GREAT!!!! She is a champ at hunting!!!! I was able to find an adult pair from Ca and had them shipped here and she LOVES having a "mother figure" I always find them together!!!!
They did tell me she was CB from a "breeder" but u never really know who is telling the truth or lying to get u to spend the $$ KWIM???
Glad to hear that, the people at CF are defiantly the type i'd expect to lie to get more $$$. The reason my 55 is a reef now is cuz they told me, "sure thoose will be fine under normal fluorescent bulbs." I can't see the people at TRS lying though. By Ca you mean from Cali right, or is Ca some SH breeder?
yeah they are from Cali......I just emailed the guy today and I "think" I will be getting at LEAST 2 more!!!! He offers PAIRS for 70$ and shipping is 29$ IMO it is WAY worth it.....I ordered other stuff from him so he combind the shipping, it was GREAT!


Active Member
Originally Posted by NyButterfly03
yeah they are from Cali......I just emailed the guy today and I "think" I will be getting at LEAST 2 more!!!! He offers PAIRS for 70$ and shipping is 29$ IMO it is WAY worth it.....I ordered other stuff from him so he combind the shipping, it was GREAT!
$29 for overnight from Cali? Thats a great price. Link plz...
Its not a link sorry. We email each other.....believe it or not I found him thru ----

ok they blocked it out but Im sure u can figure it out.......I can ask him if its ok to give out his info..Im sure he wont mine as his info is on e*ay


Originally Posted by NyButterfly03
Tigerlily is doing GREAT!!!! She is a champ at hunting!!!! I was able to find an adult pair from Ca and had them shipped here and she LOVES having a "mother figure" I always find them together!!!!
They did tell me she was CB from a "breeder" but u never really know who is telling the truth or lying to get u to spend the $$ KWIM???
TigerLily? Too Cute!
Yeah yeah Im a dork.....my middle daughter is named Lilly too.....part of the reason I chose it was b/c tiger lillies are my FAV flower.......and Tigerlily IS a tigertail....it seemed fitting! LOL


I don't think it is dorky. I think it is perfect!
Dorky is naming all your seahorses after racing stallions or spoiled brat TV stars. One of my pairs is Barbaro and Nicole Richey.
Oh I loved Barbaro....

those are cute names!!!!
my man likes to mane the fish silly things too.....our neon goby is Demon and the hector goby is Amp b/c he is green like the energy dring AND Dale Jr NEW sponser!!!!! GO 88!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oops got a lil too excited there! hehe gotta LOVE Jr!!!!!!