Might have bacteria or sucked air. pls help!


New Member
I just got a Dog face puffer a week ago. I had to keep him in the refugium of my reef tank for a week until I was sure that my predator tank was finished its cycle. I acclimated him for 2 1/2 hours before the transfer. He seemed lethargic and a little pale all week, but would eat (mysis shrimp) when fed. On Sunday I transported him to my other tank. Acclimated him for 2 hours. I was'nt aware that you could'nt take them out of the water, and used a net. for the past 3 days, he has'nt been eating and hides up by the overflow. He also has a very pail tail and nose. I got him to nibble on a peice of scallop today but that was it. His belly also looks a little bloated, and I'm wondering if he swallowed some air during the move. If so, is there anyway to help him? Also I have no rocks . Just substrate right now. Could no hiding spot make him stressed. It is a 100g, with him and a little picasso trigger that does'nt seem to bug him. They actually hang out together.
Water perameters are:
Salinity 1.022
Ph 8.2
Amm 0
nitrites 0
nitrates 10
temp 78.4
Some one please give me some advise. I dont want to lose him. He's such a cool fish.


Staff member
Did he puff at all?
Do you notice any other symptoms? Use a magnifying glass to get a good look.


New Member
He may of puffed a little. It's hard to tell. Looking closer, he does have what looks to be small peices of skin coming off of him........ :thinking: almost looks like dust bunnies. He swims around once in a while. Mostly going from top to bottom like he's trying to get out. The skin on his tail looks like dead skin and he keeps it tucked in most of the time. He does, once in a while , spread his tail out and swim around but not often. I'm worried that if he does'nt eat soon, he'll get to weak. Maybe I'll try squid today. I've tried mysis,marine cuisine, and sea scallop so far.


Staff member
I'm assuming you don't have a QT where you might treat him? Can you post a picture?


New Member
he ate a fair bit today but still seems a little shy. Could it be that there is'nt anything in the tank other then substrate and he does'nt have a place to feel secure? I'll try to get a pic up tonight