Might this anemone be splitting? (pic)


Can anyone tell if this anemone might be positioning itself for a split? It has stretched itself out so that part of it is connected to one side of the cave and part is connected to the other. I am hoping that it might split becuase it is getting to be too big for my tank and if it splits, I can sell one half of it. It wasnt nearly this big when I bought it 2 weeks ago!
Also, is there anything I can do to encourage a split?



Thanks for the nice words, Spanko.
I sure like it, but not as much as my clown! Its supposed to be a BTA and it definately looked like one when I first bought it, but lately it looks more like an LTA since its tentacles have stretched out.... Does anybody know the cause of it?


My BTA stretches out its tentacles when it doesn't have enough light (at night) and bubbles up during the daytime when all light bulbs are on.
You got a pretty anemone there.


I wonder if it wants more light then? I have MH, but it is on the bottom of the tank. I guess it will move if it wants to, right?
Thanks for the compliment as well!


i have RBTAs and they rarely bubble out, it looks great i wouldnt do anything to it, my anemones are the opposit of what the other guy said, mine fully extend during the day and bubble out when the MH gose out
and yes i belive its spliting, mine tend to do it in the dark, but i have seen it do it one time, and the parent will stay in the same spot and the offspring will move away and pull off of the parent ripping it into 2, only takes a day for it to happen, but if you watch close you might see signs like the foot being planted in a hourglass shape, the foot normally looks like the eye of a person, like a football, but when its going to split it narrows in a spot makeing the hour glass look i was talking about, or yours could be jumping rocks but i wouldnt put my money on that =p


Originally Posted by sac10918
Can anyone tell if this anemone might be positioning itself for a split? It has stretched itself out so that part of it is connected to one side of the cave and part is connected to the other. I am hoping that it might split becuase it is getting to be too big for my tank and if it splits, I can sell one half of it. It wasnt nearly this big when I bought it 2 weeks ago!
Also, is there anything I can do to encourage a split?
Razor blade will work


SO this morning when I turned the lights on it is lookng bubbled up and small, but is confined to the right side of the rock so it didnt split. Would its foot need to stretch out onto both sides for it to split, because the foot goes up and underneath the rock on the right and doesnt look like its budging.


Originally Posted by sac10918
SO this morning when I turned the lights on it is lookng bubbled up and small, but is confined to the right side of the rock so it didnt split. Would its foot need to stretch out onto both sides for it to split, because the foot goes up and underneath the rock on the right and doesnt look like its budging.

If it hasn't split and you are wanting to induce a split you may want to try feeding a semi frozen shrimp or silverside...this typically works for me...it stresses it out enough and causes the split...I don't have any scientific proof or anything, maybe Rod can chime in here.


Active Member
Yea if the foot is just on one rock now it was probably just settling into a new place. I will look for the thread I saw about forcing a split in BTA's.


Active Member
Can't find the tread but what I remeber is you feed it for like 5 days in a row then do a large water change on the sixth day. Worth a try and I can't see where it would hurt it.


Hmmm....Maybe I will give that I try next week. I have midterms right now, so I am too busy to deal with it, but I think I might give it a go next week.
Actually, I shouldnt be on SWF.com at all this week! But I can't help myself....