Might this be Ich?


So I took a chance and added some things to my tank without Quarantining them. I know it was risky, but I dont have proper lighting on my QT. I added some corals, a few shrimps and snails, and a BTA. I did my best not to get any LFS water in the tank, although I know this isnt a fool proof method.
I am concerned that my only fishy inhabitant, a black and white saddleback clown MAY have ich. I am wondering how the ich will manifest? He basically has one or two white spots on his face only. I dont see any spots anywhere else on his body, although it is much easier to tell if a spot is on his black areas in contrast to the white areas. Does this sound like ich in its early stages? Or would the ich be on other parts of the body as well? He is eating and active and does spend a lot of time near the sand, and I have seen sand get stuck to him before, although that is not what this necessarily looks like.
I do have QT that I set up like 6 weeks ago. It has taken forever to cycle. I was never in a big hurry to add more fish, so I just waited for it to finish. However, since yesterday (when I noticed the spot) I got a little panicked and added some BioSpira to the QT to help it get the last of the nitrite out (Its currently at 0.1 ppm)
Any thoughts from anyone?


I always spotted ich first on the tail fin or side fins. Can you get a picture and then Sep or one of the mods will help you. They will ask you if the spots are flat and smooth.


The spots are very bizare. One minute they are there, the next I cant see them. I guess it is possible that I am missing them, but I am looking in the exact same area. I understand that certain stages of Ich can come and go by detaching and attaching to fish, but would it happen this quickly? I mean, I will notice a spot, and then an hour later it is gone.
Also, the spot is way too small for me to get a picture. I can try, but my camera doesnt zoom in that well.
I would say that the spots are tiny (like a pin prick) and don't appear to be raised. Although, I did see a spot on the face (almost like where the nostral would be) that looked more raised, almost like a teeny tiny piece of flesh, which sounds worse than it looked. Its no longer there and I noticed it when I got home from school around 2 hours ago (and it certainly wasnt there this morning).
I sure hope my little fish is okay. He is eating well (although I should probably give him some garlic) and is active as usual. I havent noticed any rubbing or swimming into powerheads either.


I should also add that he has a new anemone (about 2 weeks old). I dont know if this could be contributing to any of the unusal shapes....


It seems to me that when ich starts it is so unnoticeable that I can only see it when fish turns at certain angles and thats when I see it on tail or side fins. Tiny like a spec of dust.


I seen a copperband today at LFS that has lymphocytis and the white spots were a little larger and more obvious but not looking like cauliflower yet.


I looked at the pics in the disease and treatment forum and it doesnt look like that as far as I can tell. The spots dont seem as large and there certainly arent that many, at least not yet if it is ich.

al mc

Active Member
Sac..You've got a tough one here. Realize I am Ichaphobic because of past personal experience with the disease so I might 'over treat'. Having said that, if you do not think it is sand/substrate on him/her (I have a Coral Beauty that get 'sand' on her face at times..
but it is gone by the time I get my magnifying glass) then I would personally consider QT
on him/her before I would consider adding another fish. Just me..again..my phobia....


At this point do you have a cycled quarantine tank? Ich does not come and go within an hour, but they can be very hard to spot. They will attatch at the gills first because it is nice, soft tissue, on a healthy fish. Spots on the face are common.


Yikes, It sounds like ich could certainly be a possibility then. I have noticed spots at the gills. ARGH!
My QT is not completely cycesd. I started it up about 6 weeks ago with DT water and cocktail shrimp. It was taking along time so I added a piece of live rock. It still not completely cycled. Nitrites are at 0.1 to 0.25. I added half of a bag of Biospira on Wednesday, hoping that it will help get rid of the last bit of nitrite.


The lights just came on. Maximus looks great... I cant see anything on his face, body or gills. I understand that this is not a definate thing, since the ich can drop on and off. However, it is still relieving to see that there isnt any signs this morning. I am going to continue to closely monitor him, and hopefully my QT will finish cycling in the meantime.


Originally Posted by sac10918
The lights just came on. Maximus looks great... I cant see anything on his face, body or gills. I understand that this is not a definate thing, since the ich can drop on and off. However, it is still relieving to see that there isnt any signs this morning. I am going to continue to closely monitor him, and hopefully my QT will finish cycling in the meantime.
Sounds like a good plan.


I just got home from school and did an ich check. I can see a little piece of "flesh" that is on his front white stripe. I almost missed it, but I saw it when I looked at the profile. I also have noticed a few tiny spots on his mid black stripe, that I know werent there before.
This sounds bad, yes?
I am not sure what to do. I think he definately could have ich, alhtough I really want to be certain before I take action. He is IMPOSSIBLE to catch, and he gets soooo stressed out that he actually turns pink! Also, my QT still has about 0.1 ppm of nitrite!
What should I do? Keep monitoring to see if he gets worse? Move to QT even thought here is nitrite? Please help!


that's the deceiving thing about ich, you'll see a spot or two, and then a couple days later, they'll be gone, and you feel a sense of relief, only to find a couple days later, the ich covering him like a blanket. i've been through it, it is no fun.


Florida Jo
What exactly are you saying? Maybe I am misreading your comment, but it seems rude. I have noticed you posting all over the disease and treatment forum demeaning the people who are asking for help and looking to Sep (or Sir Q as you call him) for backup...
Whats your deal? If you arent going to say anything helpful, than dont say anything at all.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Maybe I am the one misreading your comments what does “So I took a chance and added some things to my tank without Quarantining them” mean, it means to me its irresponsible you rolled the dice and may have lost believe me I know I have done the same thing if being rude is what it take to get hobbyist to quarantine so be it I will be rude I would not wish on my worst enemy what I went through by not Quarantining one single fish I lost my whole tank
"Whats your deal? If you arent going to say anything helpful, than dont say anything at all." your quote
Im so sorry I thought getting people to quarantine and know the life cycle of ick is being helpful WHATS YOUR DEAL

al mc

Active Member
Sac.....It does sound like Ich. If the clown is breathing normally, eating normally and active I would give it another day or two to see if your QT nitrites drop, then add him/her to the QT. Certainly it would be best to start treatment ASAP, but you may stress him/her more trying to catch him/her and adding it to a tank that is poorly cycled than leaving him for another 2-3 days. While I am not positive garlic will help, fresh garlic 'jiuce' on his food along with a vitamin supplement like Selcon , Zoe, or VitaChem can't hurt.


Originally Posted by florida joe
Maybe I am the one misreading your comments what does “So I took a chance and added some things to my tank without Quarantining them” mean, it means to me its irresponsible you rolled the dice and may have lost believe me I know I have done the same thing if being rude is what it take to get hobbyist to quarantine so be it I will be rude I would not wish on my worst enemy what I went through by not Quarantining one single fish I lost my whole tank
"Whats your deal? If you arent going to say anything helpful, than dont say anything at all." your quote
Im so sorry I thought getting people to quarantine and know the life cycle of ick is being helpful WHATS YOUR DEAL
Joe, I am going to step in here and say that, while I agree that people should know about ich and it's life cycle and quarantine, not all people do. If they did then they would not need us. Sac has done nothing wrong. She made a honest mistake and is taking care of the problem. She has stepped up and recognized her mistake. There is no reason to criticize her for it. What is done is done. It is time to help. That is what we are here for.