Mighty Putty?


Active Member
If you act fast and call with in the next 30 minutes we will throw in this completely usless book on the many uses for your new ..... ! BUT ACT FAST SUPPLIES ARE RUNNING OUT !


Active Member
Let's all not forget the countdown timer on the screen that begs to say... "if you don't call within the next 1:30, we'll refuse to sell it to you!"
"Hurry... hurry! No time for anything but impulse buying! Call Now!"


Active Member
Just goes to show how dumb people are because it works!!!
What i find silly are those "as seen on TV" stickers they put on stuff. When I see that it means I'm putting the item back on the shelf.
I wonder the produce life cycle planners have a meeting, we'll sell it on tv and if that doesn't work, we'll multi level market it. YEAH


Active Member
i think its strange that you can flip through a yellow pages and see like 6 lawyers with AS SEEN ON TV stickers on their ad... yeah that totally makes me want to hire you...
did anyone else think it was odd during the mighty putty commercial where theyre like it can support 350LBS!!!! and then they show it pulling a truck!? wtf!?


Active Member
Anybody want in on the "damsel be gone " I'm gonna market it on late night tv . The idea came from the fish discusion thread . But I think this could actually go big time ....

[Begin Infomercial ] Having troubles with pesky damsels ? For 4 easy payments of 49.99 +sh We will ship to your door our specialy designed damsel begone package . It consists of 1 big mean nasty undulated trigger . Watch as damsels magicaly disaper out of your tank . Its as simple as aclimating your damsel be gone to your tank and poof ! With in days your damsel blues will be gone . That frown will turn upside down as your damsels are destroyed before your vary eyes . With out pattented damsel be gone system you are not only going to recive one trigger but if you act with in the next 30 minutes will will send to you as our gift to you one chain mail glove to use for when you need to clean your tank . This is our gift to our special customers . Dont wait supplies are limited so act fast . Call our toll free number now . 1-888-bye-fish. Tell them the grimreeper sent you and recive 1 damsel sized casket . [ End Infomercial]


Active Member
Originally Posted by alix2.0
its great because damsel be gone also DOUBLES as a mantis be gone!!!!! woohoo 2 for 1!!!!!

OOOOHHH new marketing stratagy ! Thanks


Originally Posted by Crashbandicoot
Anybody want in on the "damsel be gone " I'm gonna market it on late night tv . The idea came from the fish discusion thread . But I think this could actually go big time ....

[Begin Infomercial ] Having troubles with pesky damsels ? For 4 easy payments of 49.99 +sh We will ship to your door our specialy designed damsel begone package . It consists of 1 big mean nasty undulated trigger . Watch as damsels magicaly disaper out of your tank . Its as simple as aclimating your damsel be gone to your tank and poof ! With in days your damsel blues will be gone . That frown will turn upside down as your damsels are destroyed before your vary eyes . With out pattented damsel be gone system you are not only going to recive one trigger but if you act with in the next 30 minutes will will send to you as our gift to you one chain mail glove to use for when you need to clean your tank . This is our gift to our special customers . Dont wait supplies are limited so act fast . Call our toll free number now . 1-888-bye-fish. Tell them the grimreeper sent you and recive 1 damsel sized casket . [ End Infomercial]


Active Member
Originally Posted by alix2.0
i think its strange that you can flip through a yellow pages and see like 6 lawyers with AS SEEN ON TV stickers on their ad... yeah that totally makes me want to hire you...
did anyone else think it was odd during the mighty putty commercial where theyre like it can support 350LBS!!!! and then they show it pulling a truck!? wtf!?
Well, the truck is on wheels, so it wouldn't take all that much lb pressure to push it.
(especially if your feathering the gas petal a little bit.)


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
What i find silly are those "as seen on TV" stickers they put on stuff.
It's as if it's better just because you saw it on TV. I'd buy Jennifer Love Hewitt. I saw her on TV once.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SCSInet
It's as if it's better just because you saw it on TV. I'd buy Jennifer Love Hewitt. I saw her on TV once.
I saw catherine bell on tv too, I'd buy her. I can see it now.
*** Are you tired of vacuuming your house? Are you tired of cooking your own messy meals? Then you need the Catherine Bell 2000! She cooks, cleans, and come in this stylish Airforce uniform! But you better act fast because this was a special one time purchase! And when we are out we are out! Call 1 (888) 800-8135***


Active Member
I just got the MSDS sheets for the product. It seems they actually went out of their way to send it to me. Props to them for following thru.