Mike's 24


A friend of mine gave this tank to me!!
He had it for about a year with the liverock, clowns, lawnmower blennie, and a few pieces of hammer. He called me up and told me he was getting rid of it so I told him I would take it off his hands. We bagged everything up and brought it over to my house. I'm proud to say not one thing died!!! So here it is. (I added a few things!!!)


Active Member
sweet tank. wish mine look like that when i bought it, but had to start from scratch. anyways nice tank


That has to be one of the cutest pics I have ever seen :joy: They are soulmates


Yeah, it's funny. I chased the scooter blennie around trying to get a good picture for like 20 min. and then he did this!!!!


The lighting is the original JBJ Nanocube lighting it's two 36W 10000K PC's. Everything seems to be happy so I think it is enough for now. I have a few
LFS's in my area and they all pretty much tell me thet I can do most everything bus clams and stony's without upgrading. Let me know what you guys think.


Does anybody know exactly what kind of coral this is?? My lfs called it a pineapple, but they also had a few others that they called the same thing, but looked different. They assured me that my lighting would be enough.
Also do I need to feed it??? I have had it in my tank for a few weeks now and it looks happy.