Mike's New Tank Diary


Active Member
Well I've tried to do mushroom blending, which didn't work for me, and I thought up of all these little projects to do, but then I thought, why spend the money instead of save and finish your 125g? So I'm going to be selling a lot soon, and put all that money to corals and maybe a fish or two. Hopefully this group of shots will be the before photos, and in two months, my tank will be filled with corals.
Also got a question, will all those fish bump over corals if I built a frag rack in the middle?



Active Member
Oh yeah, the stock list is:
1xPurple Tang
1xSailfin Tang
2xClarkii Clownfish
1xCoral Beauty Angelfish
2xGreen Chromises
1xLawnmower Blenny
Numerous Snails and Hermits
1xFire Shrimp
Corals(the main focus of adding more):
1xOpen Brain Coral


Active Member
What are some coral suggestions?
I'm thinking about doing that frag rack in the middle for zoo's, and maybe have some xenia on a side rock. Also I think red mushrooms would be cool because don't they spread and grow realy fast?
What do you recommend?


Active Member
Ok how about this? I may purchase a Blue Hippo Tang from swf.com and QT him for a month in my 20g. Sound good?

coral keeper

Active Member
What size hippo tang is it going to be? Nice looking tank mike!! Keep up the good work! You can add a torch, and maybe a BTA, or all kinds of cool zoos, mushrooms, a toadstool, sune coral, gorgonians, sponges, Ect, theres TONS of corals that you can add.


Active Member
The tang here is sold as 1-2" so it is small and will be spending a couple months in QT. I'm thinking of doing mainly mushrooms, zoos, xenia, and whatever else. Maybe a bubble coral because my dad likes those.


Active Member
Nope. I didn't even realy get the concept of an overflow till a week ago, LOL. I wish I did. Tomorrow I'm going to order that Blue Hippo tang and QT it in my 20g for a month. I'm also going to replace the sand in there and put some snails in it.


Active Member
Well to get anything off swf.com you have to pay at least 70$ so I decided to wait and find one localy. I took a water sample to the lfs, and supposedly my salinity was off the charts, so I'm taking all the sand out and replacing it, scrubing the sides of the tank, and taking 5g out and placing 5g of DI water in. But there test meter for salintiy looked like they haven't washed it for a while, oh well. Better get started.


Active Member
No comments? By the way the 20g is settled, I missed a side of glass that's got algae, but besides that it looks awesome! Just some more lr.


dont get a 1-2'' hippo tang they have poor survival rates. get a 3-4'' hippo and ull have a better chance. as for low light corals you could go with, torch,galexia,xenia,brains,shrooms,ricordea,toadstools,frogspawn,hammer,ect ect... lps.


Active Member
Ok well the algae was gone momentarily, but it's coming back in my 20g. I think I'm going to move a conch and a couple astrea snails over and order some more later.


Active Member
Found a cool starter coral pack on a LARGE online website. It contains:
1xWhammin Watermelon Zoo (10-15polyps)
1xRadioactive Dragoneyes Zoo(10-15)
1xPink Bubble Gum Zoo(10-15)
1xKenya Tree Coral (2"-3")
1xGreen Star Polyp Frag (2-3")
Anthellia Coral (3"-4" tall)
all for 75$+shipping
Would all these be good under pc's?


Active Member
Those will do fine under PCs. Let me know how your coral pack arrives. If it's the website I'm thinking of, I might be ordering a SPS pack from them soon.