Milky water after adding sand


I used live wet sand in my 65 and never had a problem with water clarity or clouding.

I used dry aragonite sand in the new 90g build Saturday. I rinsed it well I thought but.......

I added the sand to the existing saltwater I had in the tank already and I knew it would be milky for a day or so. it cleared up Monday afternoon and I noticed there was a powdery film on everything in the tank including a fine layer on top of the sand bed. I scrubbed down the inside of the tank and it went milky again and did not clear up until Wednesday afternoon. I again scrubbed the tank down and it is now milky again.

What options do I have now? Pull the sand and re-rinse?



The sump is running, and it does clear up but the powdery stuff is just settling on everything only to get stirred up again

bang guy

Once the fine grains have a bacteria coat they will settle down. You might want to take a powerhead or turkey baster and keep the silt off the rocks.