min amout of live rock?


New Member
what is the min amount of live rock i can use to begin a 125 gal set up? And if i use uncured live rock to start the cycle do i have to do anything to it. And 1 more if i use cured live rock what do i use to start the cycle? thanks again!!!!
you can use as much live rock as you want. you dont need to have it. the general rule is about a pound and a half for each gallon. if you use uncured all you have to do is cure it. uncured put straight in the tank. using lr and ls is a good start for cycling the tank but you can use damsels too. try using damsels you can live with because they are a pain to catch.


if i were u i would about 75 in and add to it i like alot of live rock but as u siad u want the min then its basiacally whatever u want but it wont be a very effective biological filter
I agree with jw there, My brother in law bought a boulder lookin thing, although it has alot of nice hiding spots in it, it can't be used as effectivly, not to mention look at that tank and think what do you want it to look like?....A giant rock? or a nice scenery?


New Member
this board is a great source of info i just want to thank everyone for thier input and help!