Min tank size for a foxface?


I'm moving all my live rock and live stock to a new tank it's going to be a 50gal short 36"x18"19" would a foxface work??


Active Member
foxface can get farely large but they aren't much of a open swimmer as tangs are..so u should be fine in a 50g imo...try to get a small one and maybe u can trade him in if he gets to big...ur problem might be biolaod..so limit your other fishes to a couple of small fishies...hope this helps...im no fish expert so wait for the more experienced reefers to chime in...


A 75 is minimal for a foxface IMO. Your 50 short will work for several months, but not long term. Keep in mind that they grow larger and need room. Their health will be compromised in inadequate conditions.


I agree with Sep on the 75 gallon. That's what i have mine in, he's only about 4 inches or so right now though but hes happy in it.


Ok, thanks i don't know much about them i wanted to make sure.
I won't get one know point in have him for alittle while than having to get rid of him.


Active Member
I have a 2" foxface in my 65. He is one happy little guy. My LFS seems to always get small ones.
But he will get bigger and I will be upgrading to a 180-210 at some point in the future.
So if you dont ever have plans to upgrade, I would stay away. But if you can find a small one and you plan on upgrading at some point, then you might be ok.


New Member
I have a 75 gallon reef tank and was wondering if a foxface would be a safe addition? I have safe algae and looking for a easy new addition to help control algae growth on rocks.