Mini Bristle Stars??


Active Member
How big do mini bristle stars get?? The one pictured here has arms about 2" long!! Is this about full growth??


Active Member
I guess it depends on what youwe call mini...IME, most mini brittles are less then 1" across, more like 1/2"
Your picture looks more like a large brittle start, maybe a baby....probably so many different kinds that its hard to say.


Active Member
True enough... most of them are all very small (or at least they seem to be) but there are a few that have gotten larger. These are the type that stay in the rock and stick out a arm or two. I have never seen any out in the open.


Active Member
Don't get a CBS if you like your mini-brittles. Mine ate all of the mini-brittles in my tank. It was awful watching him devour them.


Originally Posted by mudplayerx
Don't get a CBS if you like your mini-brittles. Mine ate all of the mini-brittles in my tank. It was awful watching him devour them.

Maaaann, you learn something new every day.. That's another post that would explain things...
But Reefnut, a while back I had posted a pic to Ophiura with a brittle similiar to yours, I cantry to dig it up. It is a different kinda star than the ones we commonly call mini brittles...

yosemite sam

Active Member
I've got a few that big too. They act like mini-brittles, all I ever see are arms coming out of the rocks. I can never tell for sure if they are getting bigger but mine seem to have been the same size for a while.


Active Member
mudplayerx, good information to know!! Thanks,
Tizzo, thanks for the link. I have never seen any negative effects from them... has anyone?? Although I understand and agree with what Ophiura is saying.
Yosemite Sam, I have hundreds and they all seemed to stay the same size until I found these... pretty cool though IMO!!
fishamajig, great hitchhiker IMO!! Hitchhikers are great... almost as cool as the corals themselves... IMO


Active Member
There are just so many possible species (well over 2000 species of brittlestars described) it is really impossible to know how big it will get unless you can get a real firm ID. That is a really tough picture to tell from, but it is so small. But I wouldn't worry about them


Active Member
ive got a huge brittle star, legs like 6 or 7 inches each. I hate him. he came with my tank and he lives under a rock. i wish he would just go away lol


IM tank i have a bunch of little white guys in my tank(20-30) if your tank is new just wait and you will probly get some