Mini Brittle Starfish....thousands


Active Member
Are these things a problem? I think I just ordered some chaeto that suddenly appears likely to be infested with mini-brittle stars. :thinking: Should I be concerned?


Active Member
No, they are considered beneficial. They do not get larger than you see...the species is probably Amphipholis squamata. (see hitch hiker thread).
I would just leave them. They are quite desirable and reproduce well in our systems.


I have 1 very large one. Do they need more than one to reproduce,or do they do that on their own? May be a :notsure: dumb question?


I believe that the mini ones split to form 2 new stars rather than requiring 2 diff. sexes. The will readily reproduce in your tank and by giving me some you wouldnt harm your population at all.

Did i mention that I would be more than happy to take a bunch of them off your hands if you feel that you need to get rid of some...? i would gladly pay for them plus the cost of shipping...


Active Member
These are not offspring of larger stars. They are smaller species, generally of two types. One, which is small and has 5 arms (and is white) is a simultaneous hermaphrodite. The other which has 6 arms and is banded on the arms reproduces by splitting. Most people have the white one's.
Large species of brittlestars rarely, if ever, reproduce in tanks.