mini horseshoe crabs


What experience has anyone had with horseshoe crabs? How much send does one have to have in order to supply them with an adequate food source?


don't get one. They will eat all your pods and they don't last long in a home aquarium, because they deplete all their food and die. I had one and loved him but he died after a few months.


I've had one for several months now, he spends most of the time under the sand. once every two or three weeks he'll surface and swim around in this cool stupid way. loads of personality when hes out, but hes not usually out. don't know about the pods thing, but if thats true then its probably not worth it.

nemo lover

besides making a cloud of smoke in your tank. It releases nitrates into the water, and there are alot of micro organizims that live in the sand. Imo- I dont think you should stir up the sand it doesn't help.