Mini reef + Fuzzy Dwarf lions


Hello everyone, I'm hoping some of you can help me with some questions.
I'd like to start a mini reef tank with a fuzzy dwarf lion. From what I read its doable but I would like to know in detail what the limits are. I want to keep very simple, easy to care for corals.Mushroom and things like that....A hammer at the most. Of course I dont want to spend money on such things if its only going to munch on them. Ive read that they will try and eay anything they can fit into thier mouthes so what should I do for a clean up crew? I really dont see me adding any tank mates. He or she will prolly be by themselfs.
Thanks for adivse!


Your Fuzzy Dwarf is not gonna munch on any corals. It may munch on small hermit crabs though. But I doubt it.


I had a dwarf lion that didnt eat hermeits or snalis he also left my two cleaner shrimp alone. He would pick off a small pepermint shrimp if he didnt get much food that week. His main down fall was that the smaller fish and shrimp were less active when he was around (they hid alot) and the amount of food he ate added alot of unnessicary waste to a reef tank.


Active Member
keep him fed and you should be fine. as already said, he wont go after hermits or snails, but may go after shrimp (more likely is more accurate).
thing with fuzzy dwarfs is to make sure they are eating at the LFS. they are tricky to get eating IME. you may need to entice them with something like live ghost shrimp or a small damsel.