Mini Refugium in 24G Nano Cube?


I'm planing on a doing a mini refugium with the compartments on the back of my 24g nano cube.
My plans are:
1st Chamber - Cut the filtration spounge in half and put live rock rubble underneath the half of filtration spounge i leave in there.
2nd Chamber - Take out spounge at the bottom and replace with live sand. Add Chaeto Algae (i will custom a clamp light for the chaeto - how many watts would i need?) and take out ceramic rings and bioballs -- leave carbon bag in there. or only use carbon bag 2-3 days/week?.
3rd Chamber - Replace stock pump with something stronger. >400 gph
Is this all thats needed in a refugium? is there going to be any problems with this setup? when i add the live rock rubble and live sand and chaeto, will it cause a cycle?
I will also be adding a AquaC Nano Remora Skimmer.


If you do this, please post it, as I want to do the exact same thing in my 24 gal AquaPod. I already took out the bioballs, and ever since my nitrates have been perfect. I too plan on getting one of those AquaC Remora Nano skimmers when I get back from the Keys. Also, if anyone has done this, please post! :)


Originally Posted by SugarFox03
If you do this, please post it, as I want to do the exact same thing in my 24 gal AquaPod. I already took out the bioballs, and ever since my nitrates have been perfect. I too plan on getting one of those AquaC Remora Nano skimmers when I get back from the Keys. Also, if anyone has done this, please post! :)
i'm buying my live rock today. probably going to have to get a small 10 lbs bag of live sand. since thats the smallest size they have. did you remove the ceramic rings? i removed my ceramic rings but left the bio balls in there. going to remove the bio balls when i put in the live rock + sand.


I am really interested in seeing how you plan to light it!!! Sounds like a great idea. Please make sure you post pictures!!!


Active Member
You should just add chaeto to your tank. Your 24g is in essence a refugium in itself already.


Active Member
I would not put sand in the back chambers. It would wreck your pump eventually.
I would only do chaetomorpha in the back if anything.


I planned on doing chaeto and live rock rubble, no sand back there. I havent taken out the ceramic rings, I honestly didnt know they were back there. I have the day off from work (nursing a bad sunburn from the Keys) so I will do that today.


Active Member
i wouldnt put live sand in the 2nd chamber. as started before it would mess up your pump. second the slot where it lets water through is all the way on the bottom so sand would just go into the 3rd chamber.