Minifishy Octo tank diary


Active Member
Sounds like you have Aiptasia anemone. You DON'T want them. Boil some water and then take a syringe (or turkey baster) and suck up the boiling water. Squirt the anemone. Do this several times just to be sure and then try and pull all the tissue off. If you can get the piece of rock off that's around the anemone that would be even better. I had one on my rock and this worked very well. They are not good because they can spread like wild fire and choke out other corals.
If your tank is cycling and the live rock you stick in is not curred you should be ok. BUT, if the new live rock is curred you might want to wait, or whatever live stuff you have on it might not make it due to the higher ammonia levels in your tank. Test your water and see where you are at.
This advice comes with limited knowledge, so beware.


thankx Az ... i will do like you said kill those tinny urgly brown thing .... tomorrow i'll pull the rock out and kill kill .... have to take somes pict to see where r they for tomorrow

royal gang

Active Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
That's the thing about email and boards, you can't here the tone in the person's words. I thought you were being sarcastic. I almost didn't say anything, should have gone with my first instinct. Sorry.

I just had to jump in here and totally agree to as far as one can agree on that issue!


Active Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
That's the thing about email and boards, you can't here the tone in the person's words. I thought you were being sarcastic. I almost didn't say anything, should have gone with my first instinct. Sorry.

It's ok. I didn't mean to sound offensive. I was kinda wondering why you got offended. Like I said, it's all good.


morning guys......
i'm killing those urly brown anemone .... and read the forum in the same time.....
wrrrr.... it's really hard to dig those urgly thing out ...i think i will take a screwdriver and snap in one of those hole ....throw some hot water in then rince with water after ....


Grrrrrrr..... after 30min digging...screwing .... i clean 3 of them away.... putted back in the tank and see 2 more little little hide ...
will pull them out saturday.....
i have a question for you guys
Alklinity test is it really a must? i know if i can keep my ph stable... amo:0 nitrite:0 .... when i have amo come up ... i know that i will have nitrite come after so i will monitor my nitrite till it go down to 0 then i do my 10% water change so i don't have to worry about nitrate .... no need to buy nitrate test.. don't want to get something then hide it in the closet.....what do you guys think about that...... at work i have a PHmeter (digital) only for me .... they bought it so expensive but never had a chance to use it so i took it and use it ... i can even bring it home ....hehe


Active Member
Alk test is very important for a reef tank, and so is Nitrates for that matter. You need the following (at least):
Others also test for magnesium and other things (can't remember at this point) but the list above you will need for sure. Also, your pH and Alk usually go hand in hand, meaning if your pH is good your Alk should also be good, but it's still important to test both.
Now that my tank is somewhat established I don't test for Ammonia and Nitrites very often, but I do test for the others every week.


Az....thankx for pass r u doing
test result friday 10/8/2007
temp 81-82
ph stable 8.09 - 8.15 test every day
amonia 0.1 or less
nitrit 0
is it because that i used only OR/DI water and my LR was already cured so i had those result so quick .... 7 days total
will get nitrate test tomorrow to see .....
i ask it because i didn't see any cycle ....
i let my skimmer run all night and had nothing dirty came out
do you have any idea why
those hermit crab were in my tank since the second day
and also i saw 2 spots of green algue on one of my rock


Active Member
I personally would not have put anything live (hermit crabs) in your tank until your tank has finished it's cycle. You might lose them during the cycle. If your rock is already curred you might not see a cycle, so stick a raw shrimp in your tank for a few days. It will start to rot and then start the cycle. As soon as you see Ammonia levels rise take out the shrimp. Once your Ammonia and Nitrites go back down to 0 then you should be all set. Don't let the ammonia get to high though because you might kill the live stuff on your rocks.


for a good mh pendant that hangs from the celing i have the aquamedic 150watt mh. great and very powerful though a bit pricey at $289.00 U.S dollars.


hi Az... thankx for your advice .... those hermit crabs were given from a friend....don't know where to put so stick them in my tank... i don't mind if they die.....i put more LR in side my tank today then see the way.... my friend gave me 10lbs of Live sand (new bag) can i mix it with my cc?
brandon i'm thinking to get this what do you think?

i try to figuring out how to get a filter/sum to hide my skimmer's so noisy ..... not much room inside the stand


u could do that but ur not gonna get as much light area. actually there is a halide called a viper clamp and they run for a 150watt for $199.00 U.S. dollars


i wouldnt get the viper. they are cheap, but theres a lot of people in this board that have had problems with them.


oh, if you want something cheap around 200 us dollars, you should buy the pendants that this site has. the highest price is 219 US dollars.


just add 22lbs LR and 15lbs LS in the tank... my tank is a litle bit cloudy....
nemo can you pm me for the site selling those light .... seem can't find any where....


MINI, I very much commend you for waiting to buy fish. If you have not had nitrates then your tank has not fully cycled yet. Please buy a quarantine tank. A 10 gallon will work but if you plan to have larger fish then a 20 long is ideal.


m almost done cycling my tank ... but no rush
my project now is building a sum ... due to limite space inside my stand.... can't go more than 15"x10" so i'm thinking
first compartiment water come from tank through gaf filter 100 micron....side by side i put my skimmer ... water out from skimmer go to second compartiment (sum) then go to the last compartiment ... a submerge pump will be in there to pump back in my tank....
any comment or suggestion will be helpful
do i need bio ball or i can put some LR&LS in the sum will be ok?
i can't find something bigger than this 14"x8" height is 15 so it's ok for my skimmer
i'll try to draw a design tonight and post out for you guys