Minimum Impact Tank


Has anyone made a minimal impact tank? I'm wondering how limiting it would be. Anyways if you've done it I'd love to hear about how it went for you, and everybody loves pictures. This is spawned from seeing this article.
I'm thinking one could use artificial rocks or just dry rock. There are many tank raised specimens available (though not nearly everything). Corals can be grown from frags taken from other tanks. Rock can be seeded by leaving it in someone's tank for a few weeks, and a cup of sand will also help establish bacterial populations.


Active Member
I think it is admirable and the primary limitation would be in fish.
Rock, as you note, can be artificially made (see DIY). LOADS of corals would be available. Snails for a clean up crew would also be "project dibs" for other possible tank raised cleaners.
All in all, this is becoming quite an achievable goal.