minimum lighting for shrooms


Active Member
hi i have a 95 gallon i just moved so im starting my tank over and i heard that shrooms dont need much light so what is the min. amount for them?


Active Member
Just find yourself a nice VHO set with like 5-6 bulbs in a mixture of daylight/actinic and you'll be able to have mushrooms that will actually grow a bit :)


Active Member
Im not the price fairy... find the prices yourself =c) do searches on the web and you'll soon come up with something.


Active Member
i ment like an estamite
sorry im in 7 th grade so i need to know how much to save and if its to much i will forget it lol


Active Member
All I can say is if you're thinking of a lighting set-up for a 95 gallon tank and you dont have a job and you're goin to be depending on your allowance/Christmas/birthday money.... maybe you should just not worry about mushrooms right now :) hehe... you'd probably be looking at around 200-500 dollars... I honestly cannot say I have really checked out the prices of VHO lighting set-ups.. but if I had to guess.. that would be it.


Active Member
thats it theres hope!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yesterday i babysat for my aunt for the whole day and earned 100.00 so she could go shop all day, so if i baby sit for her a lot couse she always asks me i could get enough by the end of the month!!!!


Active Member
Just dont forget that one day you'll be replacing those bulbs.. thats where they getcha! :) I gotta pay about 70 dollars for two bulbs real soon... some bulbs are much more expensive than others... luckily vho for you arent too bad priced.. still higher than a normal light bulb though! :p


it's nice to see young ones here thinking and saving money for what they want. good job conner. :happyfish :cheer: :cheer: