Minimum recommended time after mixing water?


I see the point in aging the water...Can you keep the water to long? I have a 31gal trashcan in my room that I keep about 25gal in with a powerhead and a heater...I do water changes every other week...Will the water, as they say, be better with age?? Or should I just mix it overnight then put it in?


You guys would laugh at my water change rituals-but my water only has about 2hrs to mix-pretty much just till it matches sg and temp. My husband would shoot me if had garbage cans in the living room full of water. The kids would bathe in it-the dogs would try and drink out of it hence tipping it over,(we have a g.shepard and a st bernard) the cat would probably drown in it assuming the dogs and or kids didn't dump it. Overall not a great idea around here, and no the garage isn't a good idea because winter around here is pretty cold and summer is pretty dang hot-oh well, 2hrs will have to do--my fish don't seem to mind. But then they're not in the tank when I clean it, they go back in about an hour after everything is up and running again. And I'm done putzing with stuff in the tank. (then it's well mixed with the current water as well)
I understand this is definately not the "right" way, especially if you have a reef or some more delicate fish--but I did take my not so perfect practices in to account when choosing my fish.
Although, ED, now once again you've got my brain running again about the whole ammo in fresh mixed water so now I'll have to go testing all my water to see if that's actually true. i might actually have to look hard for my ammo test I haven't used that one in a really long time.