Minimum size sump for 135 gallon tank


Active Member
I have a 42 gallon tank that I was contemplating using as a sump, but wife said she would like for me to clean it for her to use as a freshwater tank when I have my new one up and running. I knew that was plenty of room to use as a sump. But now I have no idea on how big/small I could go with a sump...Any help would be appreciated...Thanks.


Active Member
you could go as small as a 1 gallon, but you wouldnt get much in it besides a return pump... mabey.... the bigger sump, the better beacuse the more water volume the more stable the water paramiters, but if you want a nice sized sump go around the 50 gallon range


Active Member
Thanks...and I take it oyou would also recommend the integration of a fuge as well?


Active Member
yup, the more ways you have to rid your tank of nutrients the better , if you have enough macro algea and Live rock the only other form of filtraiton you'll need is good skimmer, and mabey some carbon


Active Member
I am still trying to get all these terms/lingo down. Acrylic...what is IMO?


New Member
so when you say a fuge gets rid of nutrients you mean the detrius and uneaten food settles in the fuge area?


Active Member
no, the macro algea feeds off (i think, not tottaly sure) nitrates, so you nitrate levels get low, and stay low, also most people put live rock in their fuges for a safe place for pods to live