minimum tank size for a blue tang ?


what is the recommended tank size to keep a blue tang for its enitire life?What lenght is also required ?

j. crow

I've heard 75 gallons as the bare minimum but that could be too small, I'd say a 125 would be good but I've never actually had a Blue Tang before so I wouldn't exactly know.. Also the longer the better (6 feet-ish?)


Originally Posted by J. Crow
I've heard 75 gallons as the bare minimum but that could be too small, I'd say a 125 would be good but I've never actually had a Blue Tang before so I wouldn't exactly know.. Also the longer the better (6 feet-ish?)
thats what I'be heard as well, some sources says 75 others say up to 150

shrimpy brains

Maybe a 75g, if it's a 6ft (not a 4ft). Personally, I have a 125g and still won't get one. I would love one, but I don't think it would be enough swimming room when it reaches adult size. JMO


Originally Posted by Shrimpy Brains
Maybe a 75g, if it's a 6ft (not a 4ft). Personally, I have a 125g and still won't get one. I would love one, but I don't think it would be enough swimming room when it reaches adult size. JMO
whats size tank would you put one in ?


Originally Posted by Eric B 125
i have one in my 125 and it's doing great.
How old/big is it?
They swim, A LOT. The grow, BIG. They produce a tremendous bio-load. These fish need at least a 125 or they're not going to be very happy. A 100-125 will be okay for a few years, but they really should be in a bigger tank, especially if it's a reef/fish combo tank. A 125 fish only is more ideal than a 125 reef, so everything is relative. I would not but that fish in a reef setting that was smaller than a 155.
Many people have these fish die after only a few years and I really think a lot of it has to do with the smaller tanks that people try to keep them in.

shrimpy brains

Maybe a 250g, but JMO and many peeps keep 'em in smaller tanks. I figure, if they reach 1 foot, that only leaves 5 ft to swim and not a lot of turn around room in a 125g. Of course, they take years to reach that size, and that is why you see 'em in smaller tanks all the time.
Also, JMO, if I had a big enough tank, and was gonna get a large tang, it would be a naso. I don't like the hippos as much once they reach about 7 or 8 inches. They look a lot nicer when they are smaller, in my opinion. A nice big naso with streamers, is a much nicer looking large fish.
Also, only giving my opinion cause you asked. It's your tank and a hippo would do fine in a 75g for a couple years(esp. if you got him real small), but I don't think he would last to full size in there.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Shrimpy Brains
Maybe a 250g, but JMO and many peeps keep 'em in smaller tanks. I figure, if they reach 1 foot, that only leaves 5 ft to swim and not a lot of turn around room in a 125g. Of course, they take years to reach that size, and that is why you see 'em in smaller tanks all the time.
Also, JMO, if I had a big enough tank, and was gonna get a large tang, it would be a naso. I don't like the hippos as much once they reach about 7 or 8 inches. They look a lot nicer when they are smaller, in my opinion. A nice big naso with streamers, is a much nicer looking large fish.
Also, only giving my opinion cause you asked. It's your tank and a hippo would do fine in a 75g for a couple years(esp. if you got him real small), but I don't think he would last to full size in there.
Agreed with a lot you said. On the other board, the mod has at least a 7 year old Hippo, forget the actual age, in his 550gal. Makes the tank look small. I wouldn't put one in my 125gal. For life, a large Hippo needs at least an 8 footer.


what do you guys think is a good size tank for a powder blue tang ?
by the way i am about to set up a 180 G tank , i am just planning the stock .


Originally Posted by aussie260
what do you guys think is a good size tank for a powder blue tang ?
by the way i am about to set up a 180 G tank , i am just planning the stock .
I have the same answer as I do above for all tangs except Sailfins, Yellow Tangs, Purple Tangs and some of the smaller ones like the Kole and Tomini.
I mean, I have a Blonde Naso in my 155 and he's only about 5-6" and I know he won't be able to stay in there forever, because even at this size, he swims EVERYWHERE and I can't imagine him being happy once he's double the size.


2 questions
in a 180 G tank could i go with three of the smaller tangs such as a purple,yellow and scopas tang ?
and would a 180 G be enough for a blue tang for 2 years ?


Originally Posted by aussie260
2 questions
in a 180 G tank could i go with three of the smaller tangs such as a purple,yellow and scopas tang ?
and would a 180 G be enough for a blue tang for 2 years ?
Yes to both


A blue should be fine in there for quite some time if not for life. Even though IMO these are some of the faster growing tangs due to their more varied diet(Eat everything including some hair algae) they will not reach full size in captivity. I have a 6 year old sailfin that I bought at around 3" and he is only 7" now and I feed heavy. My blue I bought also at around 3" 2 years ago and has already passed up my saifin and is the same size as the naso who is has been in my tank about the same time. But even at these growth rates it will be a long time for them to outgrow this tank and I doubt they ever will. IMO blues are great captive fish and I highly recommend them for 6' long tanks. They eat greedily, are docile and graze on nuisance algae. Love mine!

small triggers

Active Member
This ends up being a question for each person to answer how they would feel. I would not put even a juvenile tang in anything smaller than a 125...Good thing you have a 180g I just hope it is long and wide versus tall?
My tank is only 5ft long but 2.5 wide...and the only tang i have in there is a kole,,, i would not add a blue in mine..
Also, you asked if you could put a scopas, puple and yellow in the tank,,, umm NO... yes you could put 3 smaller tang in there but not ones from the same family or exhibiting the same body shape, they will eventually kill each other...
Please keep in mind every fish grows at a different rate, so if your Must Have is a blue then plan around that and keep in mind you may have to upgrade albeit not for years...



Originally Posted by aussie260
off topic question , is it true that with a SW tank you must
have a stand that has a cabinet under the tank ?
no. many people do not run sumps, however most do. If you are looking at getting larger fish that produce a huge bioload I do highly recommend a sump and protein skimmer. Many put the sump in the cabinet but it is not necessary, just highly recommended.