Minimum tank size for a stingray?


Unfortunately I would say no. Stingrays need a lot of swiming room. It's not so much the gallons as the square footage of the footprint of the tank. I have mine in a 84X30X18. They don't need much depth just room to roam and play. HTH

bean 1

I agree with AC above. Its more the area to roam than the number of gallons. Most rays require a large expanse of room. Some sources say at least 300g but this can be misleading. A 300g with 500# of LR wouldn't work because there wouldn't be enough bare bottom. Another important factor is the substrate. It would need to be aragonite (oolithic) sand beause it has a round surface area and won't damage the ray's belly. If you used CC or play sand other than Southdown it would have a coarse surface and damage the shark or ray leaving it susceptible to infection.


I know that many rays need an aquarium of 200 gallons or larger with a foot print of 8'x27'x18' but on the outher hand a small number can be kept in aquariums under a 100 gallons one of the spices that can be kept in an 40 aquarium for its full life is a bullseye electric ray they are very hard to find and can emit up to a 37 volt shock they come from gulf of california and eastern pacific ocean. They are also very to feed... and may die for no reason
I would not buy if I was you.
get a bigger tank then get a ray that is easery to take care of.


Plus with the bullseye electric from that region, you'd need a big chiller and have the water in the 50-60's as it isn't a tropical temperature species.


the bullseye ray is not a cold water speices they come from the Baij Calfifornia and panama this is a worm water spices needs a temp of 72-80F
Also where this is Its not cold water It dose not get any north pacific curent (They come from gulf of california and eastern pacific ocean, wormer water)