Minnesotan wants to order online. Too Cold???


I just read somebodies thread about how there fish got lost in the mail. It's like 0F degrees here witha wind chill of -25F. Do I have to wait until spring???
Is there other Midwesterners out there that have ordered in these cold temps? If so what do you guys do if anything special?


Yeah I live in Iowa and I've ordered livestock in the winter before. Everything arrived alive and warm with little heat packs inside. It's -3 degrees here today. Beth's right I'd wait till after the hoildays.


Well I have to wait anyway. No $$$$ after getting all those gifts. Anyway SWF has put everything on the "wish list". Thanks. I'm glad to things should be fine.
Second question: Since I'm a chef I have a strange schedule. How many day does it take from the time you place an order until you receive it? I have Wednesdays off and you like to get it that day so I will be home when it comes. I also heard you can ask to pick the item up at the airport so you can get it early in the morning. Is this true?
I live in milwaukeewhere it's 0, and I just recieved 10 zo frags from cali.
fed ex overnight arrived at 12 noon and box was well wraped, however water temp was 70 degrees upon arivial.
fortunatly they were just zo's and some star polyps so everything is fine, but i'd wait till sone nicer weather before ordering anything else.


My LFS just got in an order with the water temp at 42. All dead but 2 little neon gobies that didn't look like they would make it long.


Active Member
I live more than an hour north of the Twin Cities. I have had several orders delivered during the middle of last winter without any problems.
From what I recall tracking my packages, my shipments have always arrived in Minneapolis before 9am so they should be available soon after that. They usually arrive at the White Bear Lake Fed Ex distribution center within an hour of arrival. I usually do not get my packages delivered ~1:30 pm up here and they have been fine.
I have Tuesdays off so I always order on Thursday evening and I have always had my order get shipped on Mondays to arrive on Tuesday. You could do the same thing and specify that they should not ship until Tuesday for a Wednesday delivery. There is a part of the order process that asks for special instructions.
Swf.com has very good packaging. I ordered from a competing site one time and was not as satisfied.