Miracle Mud... Give me the 411


Active Member
Some one advised me to use the miracle mud in my refugium when i get it set up. Can someone please explain to me what it is and how it works. Also i want to know how much to use, how often to change it (if you do) and the best way to use it. All i can find when i search on the net for it is product info, i want real life experiences with this product thanks in advance for the repllies


Active Member
okay, since no one is answering i will throw some more Q's out there, i just got done reading the product info for like the 100th time, it says to set this up when you are cycling your tank, what about in an existing set up, when i add my sump with the dsb or miracle mud will it cause my tank to have a small cycle, once again tank is a 75 and the chamber in my fug that it will be going in is about 11.5 inches deep (without sand) and about 11.75 wide and about 12 inches long, almost a square. would i be better off with a miracle mud sand mix? can you do that?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bonebrake
Don't buy miracle mud... it is snake oil.
Do you have any facts to back that up with or is it from personal experience, just wondering, so many people speak highly of it and use it regularly in their systems. I am looking for some hands on experience concerning this product. Thanks for the reply, let me know if you have any more info for me


Active Member
Snake oil......I concur with bone brake. Sand and liverock rubble does as good as or better than miricle mud does. It is supposed to be changed periodically as well. The lfs here has a heap of the stuff setting on the shelf unsold for a long long time now. About all its really good for is if yur gonna grow mangroves, and even then its not really needed.......Now if you have extra money burning a hole in your pocket that you just have to spend well then go for it...


Active Member
thanks chip maker and bonebreak sounds like the many additives that people in our hobby use but don't need


Active Member
I have it in my ecosystem fuge. It has been recently installed, about 1.5 months now. So I cant really say if it's doing anything. :notsure: I have noticed though that my skimmer skims alot less than it used to. Not sure what that means. :notsure: My calerpa and cheato are both growing well in it. My nitrates are 0, but have been for along time now. I only have 2 fish, a perc. clown and a green mandarin, but their both pigs
. All my corals seem to be doing OK. I have done 1 water change since set up in march. Not to say that there havent been small amounts replaced for various reasons.
Just my .02 worth. I would also like to here testimonials from those who have used it.


im looking at useing it for the various trace elements it has(calcium magnesium iodine, exc.......) anything on this?


Active Member
hmmm thank you for the input sebae, can't say that it helps but it isnt hurting either. I wonder about it because i have read the archive articles about it and they describe a system without a skimmer using it, and that is the best benefit of it. i have a skimmer so i dont think it will help me out. i think i will just do a dsb and rock rubble


New Member
I have an ecosystem on my 90 gal tank with miracle mud been running for 4 months now. Growing caulerpa in the sump. Have no trouble at all no skimming . no nitrate nitrite and phsphate.


Active Member
Miracle mud is a hoax. There is nothing overly beneficial in the mix that you couldn't dig up yourself in a freshwater riverbank or creekbed by your house.
Ever see a miracle mud advertisement with the before and after pictures? They have corals in the "after" shot that aren't even in the "before" shot.