Miracle Mud, LS or both?


I am setting up a 29 gal fuge/sump for my 72 bow front, and was wondering which media to but into the fuge. Live rock, Miracle Mud, or may be even both. I find that the MM is quite pricey and was wondering if both would be ok mixed together or If I should use them alone? By the way MM is about $36 at my LFS.


Active Member
I paid $60 for my M.M. I haven't had my reef levels tested (I don't own a reef kit, only the N cycle kit), I'm going to go get it tested today. Mine has been running for about 5 months now and everything seems very happy. I have some green star polyps, a large rasta leather, 2 medium candy corals, and some red shrooms.
I'll follow up with the test results.
Oh ya, I just laid my MM down and planted some macros in it. No readable NO3 yet.